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Saturday, March 8, 2025

Advanced WordPress Lightbox plugin makes others obsolete #ad

Lightbox popups have been shown to get more subscribers to opt-in. Many major sites use them to increase their email list size. George Katsoudas has built a WordPress plugin called 1-Minute List Builder WordPress Plugin, to provide a flexible lightbox capability to any WordPress site. Katsoudas believes you know what works on your site . That’s why he made sure you can design the pop-up with the WYSIWYG editor and make it look the way you want. You can include any text you want in this lightbox window. You can show it in bold, italics, underlined, highlighted and in any color you want. For... [...]

Good Karma Press: WordPress plugin builds your mailing list virally #ad

Don’t you hate it when you have already subscribed to a list, but you keep getting requests to subscribe when you visit the website? Wouldn’t it be smart to tailor the message visitors see on your site based on whether they are subscribed or not? Well, you can do that with Mark Thompson’s Good Karma Press. If the visitor is not on your list, they are asked to join. If they are on your list, they are asked to share your site with friends on social media. And, either way, they are offered an incentive to follow-through. You can place a free report or other reward in a protected... [...]

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