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Thursday, March 13, 2025

How to Use LinkedIn for Deals & Sales [Video]

Neil Patel has published a new video ‘How to Use LinkedIn for Deals & Sales’ to help you improve your marketing and sales with LinkedIn. He says, “We teach you how to turn business connections into leads and customers. Now, today, I’m going to be covering how to use LinkedIn for deals and sales”. Watch the video here. Neil Patel’s Blog  [...]

LinkedIn Advanced Strategies to Turn Business Connections Into Leads & Customers

Neil Patel has published a new video ‘LinkedIn Advanced Strategies to Turn Business Connections Into Leads & Customers’ to help you improve your marketing efforts using LinkedIn. He says, “Today, I want to teach you everything about LinkedIn. I have this new training course that’s a 100% percent free, called LinkedIn Unlocked. Where I teach you everything from getting more followers, to turning your business connections into leads, customers, and more importantly revenue. This is a six part training program, where there’s six videos, and in each video I’m... [...]

Four Ways to Strengthen LinkedIn Marketing with Video

Video is an irresistible weapon when it comes to marketing and promotion. With quality content, you can continue to persuade more prospects and turn them into customers. Social Media Examiner’s Louise Brogan has shared four useful ways to help you improve LinkedIn marketing with video content. Brogan says, “Want to stand out on LinkedIn? Are you taking full advantage of video on LinkedIn? In this article, you’ll discover four underutilized opportunities to use LinkedIn video in your everyday marketing efforts. #1: Introduce Yourself With Video via the LinkedIn Profile Featured Section The Featured... [...]

How to Leverage LinkedIn for Lead Generation and Sales [Video]

The Entrepreneur magazine has published new video ‘How to Leverage LinkedIn for Lead Generation and Sales’ featuring James McKinney. He says, “With 700 million users, LinkedIn provides a massive opportunity for businesses to increase sales leads and revenue. In this video, the creator and host of “The Startup Story” shares tips for leveraging LinkedIn to start conversations with cold contacts, namely: Research, learning more about the contact you’re reaching out to from their profile as well as other social media accounts Requesting to connect, adding a personal... [...]

50% Marketers will Use LinkedIn for Marketing by 2021 [Research]

A study conducted by eMarketer has revealed some significant findings on use of LinkedIn by marketers. According to the study, 50.3% of marketers will use LinkedIn for marketing and advertising purposes by 2021. In 2020, approximately 49.6% of companies with 100+ employees are expected to use this platform. eMarketer senior forecasting analyst Oscar Orozco says, “As brands become more adept at leveraging multiple social media platforms, marketers are finding success in utilizing LinkedIn to capture professional audiences at a different stage of the marketing funnel. LinkedIn has... [...]

Postistic: Share content on WhatsApp (and more) with a click #ad

Here’s some new software that may be useful to you for promoting your own business. It is also useful in selling marketing services to small brick and mortar businesses. Why? Every business you can imagine wants (and need) to be on social media. They have a problem, though. Most local small business owners have no idea how to take advantage of the benefits of sites like Facebook, Twitter etc. They know that regular posting on social media helps them grow an audience for their products and services. Posting can generate good will as well as do actual selling. Unfortunately for them, they... [...]

Best Seller Boss gets you more sales or more clients #ad

Best Seller Boss shows you how to use the power of LinkedIn and its millions of users to get more potential clients, and do so quickly. Or if you are selling products, rather than services, you can use Best Seller Boss to leverage the expertise of leading people in your niche to get your products sold. Best Seller Boss contains a 62-page guide book and 10 videos explaining the prodcess for using LinkedIn to achieve the extra clients and sales you have been needing. Ryan McKinney has lots of happy buyers to his prior products; you can see their testimonials on his sales page. And they are already... [...]

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