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Saturday, March 1, 2025

Instant List Building Formula: List-building in 60 minutes a day #ad

Igor Kheifets and Emilis Strimaitis are revealing how they build their mailing lists without grueling work or high-priced PPC. It’s all in their training called Instant List Building Formula. They are giving you a detailed road map so you can follow in their footsteps. It’s simple to learn, even if you are a beginner, they say. This is the content that they have taught to their students in one-on-one sessions. Some of the students followed the directions and went on to build large responsive lists. Now, for a small fraction of what they would charge you for a private consultation,... [...]

Cash Syphon: A simple technique for consistent income online #ad

Last week, Lexi B launched : Product Pirate, which has sold out. But she has now released a new offer that may be even better. Cash Syphon. This new product is about 2 things. 1. Building a list of buyers (not people who want a free PDF then never open another email) 2. Strategic Offer Sequencing – how to manage the interaction with your list so they buy from you over and over again. There’s a specific way to do it and it’s not just ‘pick an offer and mail’. It’s about planning it out in a specific way that maximizes the benefit for both you and the subscriber. Cash... [...]

How to get 500 new subscribers per day #ad

Matt Poc has just released his training on list-building, called 500 subscribers per day, where he shows you how he built his list of 37K subscribers who help him earn $21000 each month. Poc says that if you are using the same old approach to list-building that everyone else is, you will not do any better than your neighbor in list-building. His process is different from the typical approach, a little unconventional, but he has shown that it works. If you set up your list-building system the right way, according to Poc, it will only take you 5 minutes a day to keep it going. As one of his clients... [...]

Igor Kheiffets says “$3000 per month in 30 minutes per day” #ad

Igor Kheiffets says he has found a way to make $3,000.00 a month working just 30 minutes a day. And that he got the process down to a science so anyone, anywhere can repeat his results in a short amount of time. Kheiffets says he got more business than he can handle and that he’s ready to share it with a select few new marketers. Kheiffets says this process he is sharing works, • Even if you’ve never made a dime with your list in days gone by • Even if you’re disappointed with the small size of your list • Even if you’re getting crushed by bigger list builders One buyer... [...]

Ultimate 2013 Gameplan:Jason Parker’s Marketing Plan for 2013 #ad

Jason Parker has created many new training products over the past year. He has gained a reputatipon as a low-key, professional marketer, who specializes in list-building training. As the year progressed, he noticed some of his marketing tools and techniques were working better than the others. He has decided on his own list-building plan for 2013, based on the trends in 2012. Now he is sharing those plans with us in Ultimate 2013 Gameplan. . He has found 3 list-building tactics that are so powerful that he is giving up all the others. And he’s giving these new ones to you. With these techniques,... [...]

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