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Sunday, February 16, 2025

How To Magnetically Attract Your Ideal Customer #ad

Over the last week or so we have published several stories about the free training that Dan Kennedy was doing. While his one-time webinar is over, you can still get his other free materials here: Free pre-training for Magnetic Marketing Training. As good as the free materials are, you don’t want to stop there. The main training he just released, Magnetic Marketing Training, is even better. Thousands of successful marketers have gotten their start or expanded their business with Kennedy’s guidance. You can join them if you put Magnetic Marketing Training in your marketing library. But... [...]

Dan Kennedy’s top 10 questions you need to ask #ad

Dan Kennedy’s top 10 questions for understanding a niche marketplace: 1) What keeps them awake at night, indigestion boiling up in their esophagus, eyes open staring at the ceiling? 2) What are they afraid of (most) (most frequently)? 3) What are they angry about? Who are they angry at? 4) What are their top three daily frustrations? 5) What trends are occurring and will occur in their businesses and lives? 6) What do they secretly, ardently desire most? 7) Is there a built-in bias to the way they make decisions? 8) Do they have their own language? (They probably do. Create a vocabulary... [...]

Dan Kennedy strikes again: Two Faces In The Mirror #ad

This article is listed as an ad because, ultimately, Kennedy will be launching a new product. He is giving you all this free training to show you how much he can help you. So when he does announce his product, you will want to take a look. We’re now nearly two months into 2014 and while you’re optimistic about your business this year, you’re still far from certain that this will be your break-out year. Kennedy’s guidance can be critical to turning your growth curve upwards this year. Kennedy’s latest article starts with a story about British entrepreneur, Richard Branson Richard... [...]

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