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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

‘Niche Idea of The Week: Cooking Affiliate Programs’ – ‘Affilorama’ Blog

The latest article on Mark Ling’s ‘Affilorama’ blog is titled “Niche Idea of The Week: Cooking Affiliate Programs”. Radhika says, “In my opinion there’s nothing like the Christmas and New Year’s Eve feasts. There’s Thanksgiving, but we don’t celebrate that where I come from, so all we have to look forward to are the Christmas and New Year’s Eve dinners. This is the time when fruitcake, ham and cheese balls are present in almost every household. There are salads of every kind, pasta, roast pork and chicken, delectable desserts … are you hungry yet?... [...]

‘6 Ways Guest Posting Can Help Your Business Grow’ – ‘Affilorama’ Blog

The latest article on Mark Ling’s ‘Affilorama’ blog is titled “6 Ways Guest Posting Can Help Your Business Grow”. Radhika says, “If you’re a regular reader of Internet marketing blogs, you’ll find that the blogs feature guest writers from time to time. A guest writer is usually an expert on a certain topic and often provides a fresh perspective and voice for your favorite blog. Ever wonder why these experts are not just sharing their knowledge on their own blogs? They are guest posting”. 6 Ways Guest Posting Can Help Your Business Grow Mark Ling’s  ’Affilorama’ Blog  [...]

‘The Savvy Affiliate’s Guide to Retargeting’ – ‘Affilorama’ Blog

The latest article on Mark Ling’s ‘Affilorama’ blog is titled “The Savvy Affiliate’s Guide to Retargeting”. Radhika says, “Last week, the social media world was abuzz with the news—Twitter announced its retargeting product. In Twitter’s own words: With tailored audiences you can reach users on Twitter who have shown interest in your brand or your category even away from Twitter. Of course, Twitter isn’t the first to offer retargeting. Google AdWords has had very sophisticated retargeting products on offer for a long time now. Big brands have also been using Facebook... [...]

‘8 Easy Steps to Affiliate Marketing Success’ – ‘Affilorama’ Blog

The latest article on Mark Ling’s ‘Affilorama’ blog is titled “8 Easy Steps to Affiliate Marketing Success”. Raianne says, “You may have heard about people earning seven figures or more a year—sometimes even a month—from affiliate marketing. By seven figures, we mean a million dollars or more. While many affiliate marketers earn only a few dollars a month as residual income, some experienced ones earn full-time salaries and a few others earn a fortune. There are those who fail in affiliate marketing while there are many others who succeed. Those who do”. 8 Easy Steps to Affiliate... [...]

‘Online Video Trends to Watch Out For’ – ‘Affilorama’ Blog

The latest article on Mark Ling’s ‘Affilorama’ blog is titled “Online Video Trends to Watch Out For”. Radhika says, “2013 has been a huge year for video. YouTube hasn’t stopped growing but the video landscape isn’t just about YouTube and Vimeo alone anymore. 2013 saw the birth of Vineand Instagram video and this has added a whole new dimension. Video is an important part of our lives now. We are reaching more people and including them in the conversation with video, and thanks to mobile devices and easy accessibility to video creation tools, there are more of us making... [...]

‘5 Negative SEO Techniques That Could Hurt Your Website’ – ‘Affilorama’ Blog

The latest article on Mark Ling’s ‘Affilorama’ blog is titled “5 Negative SEO Techniques That Could Hurt Your Website”. Radhika says, “If you have been in Internet marketing long enough, you know you need to understand the magic of SEO. You should at least have a working knowledge of how “doing SEO” brings traffic to your site and helps it move up in the world of rankings and relevance. With this in mind, you have probably mapped out an SEO strategy for your site (if you haven’t you really should!). You’ve planned and executed and planned some more and then one day …... [...]

‘Less Is More: How to Simplify Your Marketing’ – ‘Affilorama’ Blog

The latest article on Mark Ling’s ‘Affilorama’ blog is titled “Less Is More: How to Simplify Your Marketing”. Radhika says, “Marketing your business can get pretty overwhelming in the current climate. The always-on nature of an online business means even when you’re not working, your marketing should be working. To add to this, online marketing is forever evolving, so keeping up with the frenetic pace of change can get hard to handle at times. As a marketer, you want to try every new trend and throw in a gimmick or two for good measure … but what if I were to say SIMPLE is... [...]

‘AffiloBlueprint Black Friday & Cyber Monday Special’ – ‘Affilorama’ Blog

The latest article on Mark Ling’s ‘Affilorama’ blog is titled “AffiloBlueprint Black Friday & Cyber Monday Special”. Samuel Frost says, “Let’s face it; Black Friday is one of the most awesome “holidays” around. It might not have the same cultural and historical significance as Christmas or Easter, but if you’re looking for fantastic bargains on a wide range of desirable items, it can’t be beat. Black Friday traditionally marks the start of yearly profits for retailers. It’s also the busiest shopping season for customers. Since the mid-2000s,... [...]

‘Social Media Marketing on the Go: 10 Mobile Apps Reviewed’ – ‘Affilorama’ Blog

The latest article on Mark Ling’s ‘Affilorama’ blog is titled “Social Media Marketing on the Go: 10 Mobile Apps Reviewed”. Radhika says, “Social media marketing can get hectic. Whether you’re promoting your blog, promoting your products or simply being social and building relationships online, being good at social media often means being on the ball 24/7. Thanks to smart-extension-of-my-arm phones, though, you no longer have to stay deskbound while you maintain your always-on social presence. Here are 10 of my favorite social media apps. They make sure I can keep an eye on social... [...]

‘Visual Content Marketing: Optimize or Get Left Behind’ – ‘Affilorama’ Blog

The latest article on Mark Ling’s ‘Affilorama’ blog is titled “Visual Content Marketing: Optimize or Get Left Behind”. Radhika says, “We’ve been living the content marketing trend for a long time now. You have heard over and over how “content is king” and if you’re not investing time in content marketing, you’re really not doing enough to market your business. Well, let’s just take it a notch higher, shall we? If you are going to produce good content, you’d better make sure it’s visual content. Visual content IS content marketing now. Move over, white papers; YouTube is... [...]

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