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Friday, March 28, 2025

‘Google trying TV ad buying again with DoubleClick Bid Manager’ – Marketing Land

Ginny Marvin says, “To allow advertisers to buy and compare video ad performance across linear TV and digital, Google is bringing programmatic access to linear TV inventory to DoubleClick Bid Manager (DBM). The new offering, announced at the National Association for Broadcasters (NAB) conference in Las Vegas on Monday, taps inventory sources from WideOrbit, clypd and Google Fiber, the company’s own high-speed internet service. Google Fiber offers access to addressable local inventory on cable networks; WideOrbit from local affiliates; and clypd from national broadcast and cable networks. “By... [...]

‘4 ways to measure and realize the value in your content’ – Marketing Land

David Booth says, “How your content is performing across your site matters — a lot.  But many organizations have trouble measuring and valuing its impact. When it comes to understanding exactly what you’re getting for the time, money and resources you’re investing, it’s critical to acknowledge that what’s on your website could be the first impression a customer will have of your company — or it might even be the only impression they have. For many industries, content is a key component to managing brand perceptions and creating brand value. Studies have shown that content... [...]

‘LinkedIn officially rolling out Matched Audiences targeting to all advertisers this week’ – Marketing Land

Tim Peterson says, “Marketers will be able to target LinkedIn users based on their web browsing and email addresses sooner than expected. LinkedIn is officially rolling out its Matched Audiences program, starting today, so that by the end of this week all advertisers, including those using LinkedIn’s self-serve ad-buying platform, will have access to the new ad-targeting options. Last month I reported that LinkedIn had slated the rollout for November 2017, based on a leaked presentation published to LinkedIn’s ad sales site. That presentation was a draft document, so it had the wrong... [...]

‘Survey: Almost one-third of Amazon sellers plan to expand to this year’ – Marketing Land

Amy Gesenhues says, “In a survey polling more than 1,600 Amazon merchants, nearly 50 percent of the respondents said they sell almost exclusively on Amazon, with the e-commerce site delivering 80 to 100 percent of the merchants’ online sales. When asked what other e-commerce channels they use, 65 percent of survey respondents reported that they also sell on eBay. Less than 10 percent use channels like Rakuten, Walmart and Jet. Looking toward the future, 29 percent said they plan to expand their online sales efforts to Walmart this year. The same number of respondents said they had plans... [...]

‘Amazon launches self-serve marketplace for subscription-based sellers’ – Marketing Land

Matt McGee says, “Many companies that offer a subscription-based product or service have an easier way to sell their wares to customers with today’s launch of Subscribe with Amazon, a self-serve platform that’s already being used by several major publishers and well-known brands. Subscription offerings are available to consumers now on a dedicated subscription storefront. Major publishers like The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, People magazine and Consumer Reports are selling there already, as are subscription product providers like Sling TV, Dropbox and The Princeton... [...]

‘Digital advertising’s perverse incentives’ – Marketing Land

Peter Minnium says, “In digital advertising, as in life, it’s important to start with the desired end in mind. There’s a well-worn tale about a city slicker who gets lost while driving the back-country roads of Maine en route to the capital city. After driving for what seems like an eternity on unmarked roads, he comes upon a farmer on a tractor in his field. Relieved, he hurries to the local and asks, “How do I get to Augusta?” The farmer, after sizing the man up, responds laconically, “Well, I wouldn’t start from here.” It is imperative for success in digital advertising... [...]

‘Nearly 80 percent of US display ad spend will be programmatic in 2017 [eMarketer]’ – Marketing Land

Ginny Marvin says, “It may not have a great rep these days, with flare-ups over inappropriate placements, fraud and transparency concerns, but automated ad buying continues to gain share. An estimated $32.56 billion will transact programmatically on display advertising in the US this year. That works out to 78 percent, or roughly four out of five ad dollars spent on display ads in the US, according to eMarketer’s most recent estimates. But as capabilities and access to premium inventory improve and media buyers and advertisers seek greater control and transparency, private marketplaces... [...]

‘Report: Google Chrome may include ad blocker in both desktop and mobile versions’ – Marketing Land

Greg Sterling says, “According to the The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), Google is considering incorporating ad-blocking into a new version of Chrome. It would be enabled by default on both the desktop and mobile web. Because of Chrome’s dominant global position, there could be a significant, industry-wide impact. However, the WSJ report hedges and says that an announcement could come within weeks or not at all. Google has come out strongly against ad blocking in the past but is also trying to punish or eliminate certain kinds of ad units and practices, especially on the mobile web (e.g.,... [...]

‘Facebook Messenger makes chatbots easier to find and use with new Discover tab, Chat Extensions’ – Marketing Land

Tim Peterson says, “There are more than 100,000 chatbots on Facebook Messenger, but most of the 1.2 billion people who use the social network’s messaging service every month are likely unaware. That’s about to change. A year after Messenger opened up to chatbots — a year in which chatbots experienced many growing pains while 78 percent of Americans remained oblivious to their existence — the platform is making those bots easier to find and more intuitive to use. “Last year was all foundational stuff. We built all the foundations and the elements. This year is all about scale,”... [...]

‘Maximize your business’s Twitter impact’ – Marketing Land

Will Scott says, “Twitter is too often overlooked by growing businesses. While it may not rival Facebook in popularity, Twitter still has over 300 million monthly active users. What’s more, 50 percent of Twitter users are more likely to buy the products of brands they follow online. To create and manage an effective Twitter page for your business, keep the following tips in mind. 1. Put time into your profile The industry and size of your business will have a big impact on the tone and image of your Twitter profile. For example, medical professionals look relatable with a face picture... [...]

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