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Saturday, February 15, 2025

‘Social Media Marketing: YoCrunch boosts average Facebook post interaction 821% (plus two more case studies)’ – MarketingSherpa

The latest article on MarketingSherpa is titled “Social Media Marketing: YoCrunch boosts average Facebook post interaction 821% (plus two more case studies)”. David Kirkpatrick says, “The Social Media Club of Dallas monthly meetings always feature a presentation on social media for attendees, and earlier this year, I had the chance to take in SMC Dallas’ case study “showcase.” This event offered up a number of quick-hit social media case studies from a variety of marketers and agencies, and I wanted to provide MarketingSherpa blog readers with a sample of several of these... [...]

‘Marketing Research Chart: Most popular email elements to test’ – MarketingSherpa

The latest article on MarketingSherpa is titled “Marketing Research Chart: Most popular email elements to test”. David Kirkpatrick says, “MarketingSherpa is excited to launch its 8th Annual Email Awards. One successful B2B team and one successful B2C team will win a trip to Email Summit 2013 in Las Vegas. Plus, unlike most industry awards, there is no fee to enter (thanks to a generous sponsorship by Responsys). Read on to learn about the annual MarketingSherpa Email Awards, including how to enter, this year’s prizes, and a free download of last year’s Email Awards special... [...]

‘Email Marketing: 6 tactics on combining content and email strategies’ – MarketingSherpa

The latest article on MarketingSherpa is titled “Email Marketing: 6 tactics on combining content and email strategies”. David Kirkpatrick says, “Email without content to share with a database of potential customers is just technology, not marketing. In fact, Chris Baggott, Chairman, Compendium, and co-founder, ExactTarget, sees email marketing as a three-legged stool comprised of technology, data and content. This article offers six tactics from Baggott. Read on for tips on content marketing and how it intersects with email, including mining customers for content, why the blog... [...]

‘Email Awards 2013: Enter your top email campaigns to win a trip to Email Summit’ – MarketingSherpa

The latest article on MarketingSherpa is titled “Email Awards 2013: Enter your top email campaigns to win a trip to Email Summit”. David Kirkpatrick says, “MarketingSherpa is excited to launch its 8th Annual Email Awards. One successful B2B team and one successful B2C team will win a trip to Email Summit 2013 in Las Vegas. Plus, unlike most industry awards, there is no fee to enter (thanks to a generous sponsorship by Responsys). Read on to learn about the annual MarketingSherpa Email Awards, including how to enter, this year’s prizes, and a free download of last year’s... [...]

‘Combining Social Media and Event Marketing: Year-round effort boosts clickthrough 236%’ – MarketingSherpa

The latest article on MarketingSherpa is titled “Combining Social Media and Event Marketing: Year-round effort boosts clickthrough 236%”. David Kirkpatrick says, “Live events create a lot of buzz among attendees — getting existing customers more engaged, and prospects excited about your products and services. The marketing challenge lies in harnessing this excitement throughout the year. Cisco faced this issue with its Cisco Live user conference. The event creates a community that interacts within itself and with Cisco. Cisco created a social media program that targeted... [...]

‘Mobile Email Marketing: 50% more app downloads from device-targeted ads’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

The MarketingSherpa team has released a case study titled “Inbound Marketing 101: 5 steps to help you get started”. Courtney Eckerle says, “Email marketers have seen a steady rise in mobile subscribers. The smart ones treated this group as a new segment to increase relevance and response. This case study describes a company that went a step further. A team of consumer marketers increased orders 90% by targeting custom banner ads by mobile platform. The article walks you through a test that proves mobile subscribers are not all the same”. Mobile Email Marketing: 50% more... [...]

‘Marketing Research Chart: Top email trends for 2012’ – MarketingSherpa

The latest article on MarketingSherpa is titled “Marketing Research Chart: Top email trends for 2012”. W. Jeffrey Rice says, “Now that we’ve launched Email Awards 2013, and are preparing to sort through hundreds of entries highlighting the best email marketing campaigns of 2012, we wanted to look back to see where we were at the beginning of the year. In this classic Marketing Research Chart from early 2012, we looked at the top trends that impacted email marketers. Read on to see if these trends proved to be relevant for your email efforts over the past year”. Marketing... [...]

‘Inbound Marketing 101: 5 steps to help you get started’ – MarketingSherpa

The latest article on MarketingSherpa is titled “Inbound Marketing 101: 5 steps to help you get started”. Courtney Eckerle says, “At MarketingSherpa, we often publish case studies or how-to articles that focus on a specific tactic or campaign. Today’s Consumer Marketing newsletter steps back to give you the basics on getting started (or improving your efforts) in an emerging area — inbound marketing. The article is based on a recent webinar, “Think Different about Social Media: Four steps to transforming your marketing program,” (sponsored by Act-On) presented... [...]

‘Marketing Basics: 7 B2B content marketing tactics’ – MarketingSherpa

The latest article on MarketingSherpa is titled “Marketing Basics: 7 B2B content marketing tactics”. David Kirkpatrick says, “If the MarketingSherpa B2B Summit 2012 presenters were correct, content marketing is becoming the focal point around which all other marketing channels orbit. Without quality content, email is less effective, social media would probably be unnecessary, and both lead generation and lead nurturing would be more difficult. To provide some insight into B2B content marketing, MarketingSherpa reached out to two B2B content marketing consultants for seven tactics... [...]

‘MarketingSherpa B2B Summit 2012’ – MarketingSherpa

The latest article on MarketingSherpa is titled “MarketingSherpa B2B Summit 2012”. David Kirkpatrick says, “MarketingSherpa’s B2B Summit 2012 featured two days of real-world case studies, actionable how-to instruction and even some live optimization of attendee websites and landing pages. One key takeaway from the event was the importance of B2B content marketing, with a wide variety of topics covered, including social media, email marketing, event marketing with mobile and QR codes, and a gamification case study”. MarketingSherpa B2B Summit 2012 MarketingSherpa  [...]

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