‘App Gamification: 4 million barcodes scanned in 85 days for LuckyLabs’ Scantopia’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study
MarketingSherpa has released a case study titled “App Gamification: 4 million barcodes scanned in 85 days for LuckyLabs’ Scantopia”. Courtney Eckerle says, “In launching its new app, Scantopia, LuckyLabs needed to not only catch the attention of users in a crowded sphere, but keep it. By building social media and gamification into its utility app, LuckyLabs’ Scantopia was able to grow to more than 6,000 social media shares a day. In this MarketingSherpa Inbound Marketing case study, learn how to put a viral “app mentality” into your marketing strategy“. App... [...]