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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Video Sketch Makers turn your videos into attention-grabbing sales tools #ad

Max Rylski has just released Video Sketch Makers, his latest graphics software product. This new software1 turns any video into an animated sketch, a painting, a cartoon or a blackboard drawing in under 1 minute. In a day when everybody and his brother are using videos, you need something that makes yours different from the crowd. Now you can instantly apply one of 5 sketch effects to any video you have. With Video Sketch Makers you are getting 5 different “makers” that will instantly transform any video into a pencil sketch, a textured sketch, a cartoon, a painting, or a blackboard drawing. It’s... [...]

3D Character Toolkit: Build better animated videos #ad

Max Rylski is a well-known creator of marketing graphics. His latest is 3D Character Toolkit. Rylski has been selling his graphics related products and services for 18+ years. He is an expert. This latest project is an animated man. He moves and can hold 10 poses that enhance explainer videos and other marketing videos. He can be used with virtually any video creation software, such as Premiere, Filmora, Explaindio, etc. You can place him on the background scenes these video creators use or on a plain white screen. That’s because, in the jargon of film-making, this athletic man comes with... [...]

500 HD Green Screen Videos with 40 pro actors #ad

Imagine live actors promoting your products, without the high cost. That’s what Max Rylski is offering you with his new Green Screen Actors Mega-Sale. Since the actors are presented in front of green screens, you can merge your own artwork of a product, a sale, or other special event so that by theiir movements and gestures, they will be calling attention to your offer. These actors can make your videos look like professional TV commercials. And that professionalism will rub off onto your product, so it will look classier than ever before. Over 500 videos are included. You can see a sample... [...]

Video Maker Toolkit V2: 100s of SVGs for videos and more #ad

What do you need to make animated videos that really sell? Well, you could hire someone who claims to know how and pay them to make a video for you, try it and see if it works. It may not, and you start over again. But surely, there’s a better way. You, or someone on your team, can make good videos yourself if you have the right tools. That includes a program that can build videos, either on your own computer or on a web server that you subscribe to. The most frequently used video software by entrepreneurs running small marketing businesses are: : Keynote, : Powerpoint, : VideoMakerFX... [...]

Max’s Marketer’s Graphics Pack: new graphics for better websites #ad

Max Rylski has been creating graphics for marketers for many years. He’s an expert at it. Every time he releases a new package, it is devoured by marketers around the world. He has just released his newest set of graphics, Max’s Marketer’s Graphics Pack. Many of you will not read the rest of this notice; his name is enought to cause you to click to see what he is offering this time. Here’s a sample of what Max has for you:   3 Beautiful sales pages   3 Squeeze pages 30 Attractive page headers (in editable format) 52 Vector characters to illustrate your pages, brochures,... [...]

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