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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

‘Systemizing Your Sales Process with Your Virtual Team! ‘ – StomperNet Blog

The latest ‘StomperNet’ blog post is titled “Systemizing Your Sales Process with Your Virtual Team! “. Nicole Munoz says, “Sales is about two things: Capturing leads and then following up on those leads! Believe it or not, capturing the leads is the easy part! By developing a system you can outsource to your virtual team and automate, you can push your leads through the sales funnel of your business, and increase your sales! So let’s systemize!”. Systemizing Your Sales Process with Your Virtual Team!  Stomper Blog  [...]

‘This Week In StomperNet – November 14, 2011’ – StomperNet Blog

The latest ‘StomperNet’ blog post is titled “This Week In StomperNet – November 14, 2011”. The ‘StomperNet’ team says, “Do you know why many fast food restaurants work so efficiently? Have you noticed that besides a few local favorites, the menu, the processes, and the setup are all basically the same? Hence, the final product remains constant. This is the appeal of fast food when you travel:  you know what you will get. The reason that you are able to get food that tastes almost the same with almost the same service anywhere you go is because of the... [...]

‘4 Steps to the Perfect Product Page’ – StomperNet Blog

The latest ‘StomperNet’ blog post is titled “4 Steps to the Perfect Product Page”. The ‘StomperNet’ team says, “While I enjoy working on web design, learning how others implement web design is an essential part of my continuing education. No matter how much you know about any niche, there are always new things to learn. Plus, it’s always good to keep your mind refreshed on the essential basics”. 4 Steps to the Perfect Product Page Stomper Blog  [...]

‘This Week In StomperNet – November 7, 2011’ – StomperNet Blog

The latest ‘StomperNet’ blog post is titled “This Week In StomperNet – November 7, 2011”. The ‘StomperNet’ team says, “This week our topic is web design. Years ago, business owners simply had to have a simple website with just the basic information. In those days websites were few, web speed was very slow and anything larger than a tiny image took forever … that is if you got your Internet to connect at all. Then came along programs like DreamWeaver, CoffeeCup, and suddenly HTML became a lot easier for the masses. Internet speeds quickly improved,... [...]

‘Wow Customers and Build Relationships’ – StomperNet Blog

The latest ‘StomperNet’ blog post is titled “Wow Customers and Build Relationships”. Melanie Benson Strick says, “One of my favorite routines is a walk to my local Starbucks. Sometime before noon, I grab my Ipod, tune it to a success audio program, throw on my sneakers, and trek the half mile to enjoy my favorite pick-me-up – a half caf soy latte. When I walk in, the barista asks me, “Hot or cold today?””. Wow Customers and Build Relationships Stomper Blog  [...]

‘Consumer Lifecycle’ – StomperNet Blog

The latest ‘StomperNet’ blog post is titled “Consumer Lifecycle”. Melanie Benson Strick says, “Typically you do not ask favors of random strangers. You do not expect strangers to hand you cash just for the sake of it. If you need something, you generally ask your friends and family. You have a relationship with them, and because of that they are more likely to help you. Yet, in business we expect that consumers will just open their wallets and tell their friends to do the same…”. Consumer Lifecycle Stomper Blog  [...]

‘This Week In StomperNet – October 31, 2011’ – StomperNet Blog

The latest ‘StomperNet’ blog post is titled “This Week In StomperNet – October 31, 2011”. Melanie Benson Strick says, “This week we have no tricks for you, but plenty of treats. Marketing is often considered a difficult part of business, yet it depends on how you work with your customers. You probably realize the long term value of keeping your customers and clients close. This is where relationship marketing becomes a benefit that helps your business grow”. This Week In StomperNet – October 31, 2011 Stomper Blog  [...]

‘DELEGATE Before The Holiday Rush’ – StomperNet Blog

The latest ‘StomperNet’ blog post is titled “DELEGATE Before The Holiday Rush”. Melanie Benson Strick says, “The holidays are just around the corner and with them, the craziness of business planning for 2012, and the non-stop holiday celebrations. And – for some of us – it’s time to get our products in the hands of those holiday shoppers. This year, why not do it differently?”. DELEGATE Before The Holiday Rush Stomper Blog  [...]

‘Productivity And Your Business Success’ – StomperNet Blog

The latest ‘StomperNet’ blog post is titled “Productivity and Your Business Success “. Melanie Benson Strick says, “In our fast-paced society we encounter a constant feeling of “how can I get more done.” There is a study that revealed the average human being is bombarded with over 1,000,000 bytes of information in a minute. And that was before Twitter and Facebook existed! No wonder it’s so challenging to get things done. Think about how many times you ended your day wondering how your to-do list didn’t even have a dent made in it. Most of us suffer with terminal... [...]

‘Productivity And Your Business Success’ – StomperNet Blog

The latest ‘StomperNet’ blog post is titled “Productivity and Your Business Success “. Melanie Benson Strick says, “In our fast-paced society we encounter a constant feeling of “how can I get more done.” There is a study that revealed the average human being is bombarded with over 1,000,000 bytes of information in a minute. And that was before Twitter and Facebook existed! No wonder it’s so challenging to get things done. Think about how many times you ended your day wondering how your to-do list didn’t even have a dent made in it. Most of us suffer with terminal... [...]

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