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Friday, February 21, 2025

‘Article Marketing: Steps to Content Curation’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest ‘PLR Health Wizard’ blog post is titled “Article Marketing: Steps to Content Curation”. Gail says, “Publishing to a blog more than twice a week can be incredibly difficult to create unique and titillating content on a consistent basis. In fact, that is one reason why people use private label rights as the backbone for many of their articles, because it removes the creation-busting, blank-page-writer’s-block white screen. Another way is to use curated content. Curated content can be changed so much from the original structure that most people don’t recognize... [...]

‘Content Syndication: How to Find Places to Syndicate Your Content’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest ‘PLR Health Wizard’ blog post is titled “Content Syndication: How to Find Places to Syndicate Your Content”. Gail says, “You know that content drives the Internet. Articles are an especially important to help boost your search engine rankings and the authority content you produce on your website. You want to syndicate your content to establish yourself as an expert and create a new traffic stream to your website. Syndicated content also develops natural one way links back to your site and can help you develop great relationships with other publishers in your niche”. Content... [...]

‘Ways of Using Content for Marketing’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest ‘PLR Health Wizard’ blog post is titled “Ways of Using Content for Marketing”. Gail says, “Last week I received another in a series of e-mails asking me how to use the content they receive every month from PLR Health Wizard. The question is completely understandable since each member receives at least 100 articles every month. Very quickly this can become overwhelming. However, one of the best parts about PLR Health Wizard is the amazing amount of quality content in a variety of different health and wellness niches. It is unlikely that any one person will use all... [...]

‘Announcement: Limited Time Free Membership to Members’ Only Video Coaching’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest ‘PLR Health Wizard’ blog post is titled “Announcement: Limited Time Free Membership to Members’ Only Video Coaching”. Gail says, “I’ve been hinting about this announcement for the last week. And today, I am excited to announce that I am opening up my video coaching – free for one week! For the next week you have the option to get a lifetime free membership to my video coaching for just your name and e-mail address. After that week, I’ll be adding a buy button from JVZoo. At this point I am still playing around with the price. If you click over to [...]

‘Article Marketing: The Pros and Cons of Syndication’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest ‘PLR Health Wizard’ blog post is titled “Article Marketing: The Pros and Cons of Syndication”. Gail says, “Article marketing has been the mainstay of traffic generation for many marketers. And, do you know why? Because it works! However, it isn’t the article marketing techniques and strategies that were used in 2009. Instead, article marketing the right way has truly become article syndication. Very basically, you write a great original article which you submit to an article directory. In order to leverage your time and energies, you can use that article again... [...]

‘Article Marketing: How to Write for Syndication’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest ‘PLR Health Wizard’ blog post is titled “Article Marketing: How to Write for Syndication”. Gail says, “The face of article marketing has changed. And, in fact, it is one of the more common questions I get from members and students. How is it done correctly? But, let’s start from the other end of the question – how is done poorly? – so you will not do your site more harm than good! WRONG WAY: You may have been tempted to “try” article marketing by using a few poorly written articles from an outsourcer or freelancer. In an attempt to quickly generate backlinks... [...]

‘Buyer Beware: Everything Is Not What It Seems’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest ‘PLR Health Wizard’ blog post is titled “Buyer Beware: Everything Is Not What It Seems”. Gail says, “A couple of weeks ago a true Internet marketing “guru” made a statement in his weekly newsletter that really touched my heart. The quote was a description of current IM practices, “I have never seen such a morass of webinar-pimpin, carnival barking, sideshow creating, magical snake oil pitching people in my life.” And today as I was reading through the Warrior Forum I ran across a post by another successful marketer who was expounding on his theory that... [...]

‘Article Marketing: How to Syndicate Your Content in Different Forms’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest ‘PLR Health Wizard’ blog post is titled “Article Marketing: How to Syndicate Your Content in Different Forms”. Gail says, “Content syndication and article marketing has been a hot topic for a number of months. With the changes in the algorithm used by Google to rank pages and content, many marketers have found that posting massive amounts of content to article directories no longer gives them the back link juice or the readership they were looking for. The ultimate goal is about getting unique website visitors who will eagerly read your content and purchase your... [...]

‘Write Your Article for Your Reader and the Search Engine’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest ‘PLR Health Wizard’ Blog post is titled “Write Your Article for Your Reader and the Search Engine”. Gail says, “Over the past couple of years Google has made several changes to their algorithm that has created a number of changes in the online community. The first is a group of individuals who have become incredibly well-versed in the algorithm changes. These individuals will either share their knowledge freely or are charging for the information. Another product of the algorithm changes has been a degree of panic in individuals who rely on search engine optimization... [...]

‘Article Marketing and Traffic: It Is All about Unique Website Visitors’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest ‘PLR Health Wizard’ Blog post is titled “Article Marketing and Traffic: It Is All about Unique Website Visitors”. Gail says, “One of the most obvious ways of using content is for article marketing. But, article marketing of yesterday is very different from how it is used today. Short history lesson: over the past seven years article marketing was used to develop significant back links to your website as well as creating content which had a high degree of probability for ranking in the search engines and getting before your reader’s eyes. If you have just started... [...]

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