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Friday, September 20, 2024

‘IM WeeCap: When Broccoli Screams’ by Michelle MacPhearson

Michelle MacPhearson’s latest blog post is titled “IM WeeCap: When Broccoli Screams”. MacPhearson Says, “I gave it a name – we’re calling these catch-all posts “WeeCaps” because they’re WEEKLY RECAPS. Get it?! …(Name subject to change should I decide to change the frequency of them, or when I keel over from adorable overload for calling them that)”. IM WeeCap: When Broccoli Screams Michelle MacPhearson’s Blog  [...]

‘Article Marketing DEATHMATCH – Follow Up’ by Michelle MacPhearson

Michelle MacPhearson’s latest blog post is titled “Article Marketing DEATHMATCH – Follow Up”. MacPhearson Says, “I run tests all the time – you should too! – to find out what’s working today, what’s devalued, and what’s just plain hype. A lot of the time, the test results aren’t surprising. But sometimes, they are – as they were in a recent test I ran I lovingly referred to as the”. Article Marketing DEATHMATCH – Follow Up Michelle MacPhearson’s Blog  [...]

‘Linky Recap: Post-Thanksgiving Coma Edition’ by Michelle MacPhearson

Michelle MacPhearson’s latest blog post is titled “Linky Recap: Post-Thanksgiving Coma Edition”. MacPhearson Says, “I’m thinking of making this a regular – or semi-regular feature, as I come across TONS of great products, videos, blog posts, tips, etc. that I do want to share with you but that don’t necessarily warrant a whole blog post of their own. If you like this kind of wrap-up, linky post, let me know in the comments, OK?” Linky Recap: Post-Thanksgiving Coma Edition Michelle MacPhearson’s Blog  [...]

‘The Plugin That Sent Me On An Emotional Roller Coaster’ by Michelle MacPhearson

Michelle MacPhearson’s latest blog post is titled “The Plugin That Sent Me On An Emotional Roller Coaster”. MacPhearson Says, “Since it’s been the rage this week, I had a look at Auto Traffic Buddy to see what it was all about. I had a roller coaster of emotions. First, like most of you (I’m pretty sure) I don’t actually read every word on a salespage”. The Plugin That Sent Me On An Emotional Roller Coaster Michelle MacPhearson’s Blog  [...]

‘Article Marketing DEATHMATCH!’ by Michelle MacPhearson

Michelle MacPhearson’s latest blog post is titled “Article Marketing DEATHMATCH!”. MacPhearson Says, “Just over two months ago, I started to get the sense that what we were doing to build links wasn’t as effective. I started to think that the articles my staff were writing and sending out via various services weren’t gaining as much traction as they once did. (This doesn’t mean “article marketing is”. Article Marketing DEATHMATCH! Michelle MacPhearson’s Blog  [...]

‘An Internet Marketer’s Guide to Tumblr’ by Michelle MacPhearson

Michelle MacPhearson’s latest blog post is titled “An Internet Marketer’s Guide to Tumblr”. MacPhearson Says, “I’m hitting a few social channels as part of the marketing campaign for Redomestication. Claude asked about my strategy: Tumblr was specifically chosen because it’s growth curve has skyrocketed during the past year. Tumblr received $85 million in VC this September (part of that from Richard Branson). Tumblr receives more page views than Wikipedia, with 1/10 as many individual visitors – that speaks to how highly engaged their audience is. It surpassed [...]

‘Skimlinks Review: An Affiliate Marketer’s Dream?’ by Michelle MacPhearson

Michelle MacPhearson’s latest blog post is titled “Skimlinks Review: An Affiliate Marketer’s Dream?”. MacPhearson Says, “I, like many folks, was removed from the Amazon Associates Affiliate Program once my state (California) enacted an affiliate sales tax law.**  I needed to take a look at where I’d been using Amazon Associates affiliate links and determine what to do with them. I told you how I’d found a solution, called Skimlinks, when I announced my new niche site, Redomestication“. Skimlinks Review: An Affiliate Marketer’s Dream? Michelle MacPhearson’s Blog  [...]

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