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Saturday, March 8, 2025

Mints App: Let people vote and welcome their purchase #ad

Precious Ngwu has just discovered a new piece of marketing 
technology called “Customer-Driven Funnels” 

and he has been testing it out for the past 2 months, 
with surprisingly good results. People like to express their opinions. Whether about movies, politicians, gadgets or food, they want to be heard. Online marketers can help them make their voices heard with polls that offer a chance to choose between two options (Nike vs. Adidas, for example) or choose one from among many. Based on the choice they make, you can offer them a product to purchase, a chance to get involved in... [...]

Mints App is coming; it may be what your business needs #ad

• What if there were a piece of engineering that you’ve needed for the health of your business even though you hadn’t noticed the problem? • What if this technology could actually change the direction of your business, and could possibly turn around an online business that struggled to stay afloat? • What if this technology were available for a nominal price? Would you be interested? Precious Ngwu says all those “what ifs” describe his upcoming launch of Mints App. This new application has dozens of uses in all kinds of businesses. Get on the early notification... [...]

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