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Sunday, March 9, 2025

‘The 15 Most Popular Myths About International SEO, Debunked’ – MOZ

Kaitlin says, “There are lots of myths and misconceptions surrounding the subject of international SEO. I recently gave a Mozinar on this; I’d like to share the basis of that talk in written form here. Let’s first explore why international SEO is so confusing, then dive into some of the most common myths. By the end of this article, you should have a much clearer understanding of how international SEO works and how to apply the proper strategies and tactics to your website. One common trend is the lack of clarity around the subject. Let’s dig into that: Why is international... [...]

‘A Guide to Sampling in Google Analytics’ – MOZ

Tom Capper says, “Sampling is a process used in statistics when it’s unfeasible or impractical to analyse all the data that exists. Instead, a small, randomly selected subset is used to keep things manageable. Many analytics platforms use some sort of sampling to keep report loading times in check, and there seem to be three schools of thought when it comes to sampling in analytics. There are those who are terrified of it, insisting in unsampled versions of any report. Then there are those who are relaxed about it, trusting the statistical logic. And then, lastly, there are those who... [...]

‘How to Choose a Domain Name – Whiteboard Friday’ – MOZ

MOZ team says, “One decision that you’ll have to live with for quite a long time is the domain name you choose for your site. You may have a list of options that you know are available, but what should you keep in mind when you sit down to make the decision? In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand covers eight criteria for picking a winner”. How to Choose a Domain Name – Whiteboard Friday MOZ  [...]

‘Storytelling 301: Site Content as Story’ – MOZ

Isla McKetta says, “Feel like you’re already over the term “storytelling” without ever really having understood how you can successfully apply it to your writing? You aren’t alone. Like so much jargon, this amazingly powerful and useful word is in serious danger of being consigned to LinkedIn profiles and marketing parody. Even storytelling guru Annette Simmons is over the way we’re teaching storytelling as a content cure-all. “We need to stop ‘telling stories’ that oxytocin or the magic of a ‘narrative arc’ explain storytelling.... [...]

‘Why I’d Recommend Local SEO as a Promising Career for Millennials’ – MOZ

Miriam Ellis says, “The civics of local: Caring about your community From Golden Gate Park in San Francisco to Central Park in New York City, with all of the town greens, plazas, fountains, schools, and libraries in between, America’s lasting community resources stand as a testament to our civic-minded past. Town fathers, city boards, and citizens of former times dedicated themselves to enriching local life by creating public access to features that fostered identity, civic pride, and a higher standard of living. Modern cynics might look at today’s cityscapes and conclude that city planners... [...]

‘The Search Marketer’s Guide to ItemRef & ItemID’ – MOZ

Mike Arnesen says, “Structured data has never been more important than it is today. We’ll talk about why briefly below, but that’s not what this post is about. This post is about giving you a new tool to add to your semantic SEO tool belt. My goal is to empower you implement semantic markup and structured data with greater ease and enable you to architect a more robust and complete web of linked data on your website (and beyond). Structured data is more important than ever I don’t think that’s an exaggeration. When launched in June of 2011, search marketers gained access... [...]

‘One Formula to Rule Them All: SEO Data Analysis Made Easy in Excel’ – MOZ

Jeremy Gottlieb says, “Working in SEO, I always find myself poring over data and looking for ways to expedite the analysis process. Analyzing data can often be tedious, mind-numbing, and boring work, so anything that can be done to speed up finding that needle in the haystack is almost always a good idea. A few months ago, I began using a formula in Excel to categorize data and I’m constantly finding new ways to use it. It took a little bit of time and practice to remember the formula, to understand how it works and how to troubleshoot it if it breaks, but the time and energy put into... [...]

‘Managing the Tensions & Tradeoffs Between UX & SEO’ – MOZ

MOZ team says, “We don’t live in a world where we have the luxury of thinking about just user experience or just SEO. The two share many of the same spaces online, working in tandem and sometimes even clashing. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand details the considerations and compromises that must be made for UX & SEO to coexist in harmony”. Managing the Tensions & Tradeoffs Between UX & SEO MOZ  [...]

‘How Local Content is Helping SMBs Keep Big Brands at Bay’ – MOZ

Ronell Smith says, “The gentleman sitting across the table from me at a crowded lunch spot has what he sees as a workable business idea for a local business, a sound plan to get it off the ground, enough funds to weather the ups and downs of the current business climate in his area, and the determination to stick around long enough to be successful. However, what he doesn’t have are the answers to three questions pertaining to content marketing for his small business: – “What should I write about?” – “How do I [rank higher in local SERPs?]” –... [...]

‘Attending MozCon 2016? Pitch for MozCon Ignite.’ – MOZ

Erica McGillivray says, “Last year, we hosted the first MozCon Ignite, and it was a blast. We had so much fun listening to 5-minute stories on everything, from how to cook a hot dog to running a coffee charity from your kitchen, that we’re bringing the event back for a second year. We can’t wait to hear your story. MozCon Ignite takes place Tuesday, September 13, during MozCon as one of our evening networking events. In order to attend, you gotta: Buy your MozCon 2016 ticket! Wait, what is an Ignite-style talk? Ignite-style talks are five minutes in length, with auto-advancing... [...]

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