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Monday, March 10, 2025

‘Google Authorship: How To Get Better Results’ by Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “Google Authorship: How To Get Better Results”. Gardner says, “Creating a blog and putting content on it can be done for multiple different reasons, but one thing we all want for our blog is for it to be ranked as high as possible. Well, Google decided to help us out with that and gave us a way to get ranked higher, increase our authority, and get more clicks. It’s called Google Authorship. We are going to cover the benefits of properly using it and provide some tips to get better results – See more at:”. Google... [...]

‘The Surprising Secret To Making FB EdgeRank Work For Users Or Brands’ by Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “The Surprising Secret To Making FB EdgeRank Work For Users Or Brands”. Gardner says, “EdgeRank is Facebook’s clever algorithm that decides what content you will see based on your actions and the actions of others. To a certain degree, you can control your FB contents and newsfeeds as they pertain to you. If you are a business trying to build Brand Recognition, you also have influence over how well your hard earned money works for you by understanding EdgeRank and how it functions”. The Surprising Secret To Making FB EdgeRank Work For... [...]

‘5 Ways to Know Your Site Has Been Penalized By Google’ by Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “5 Ways to Know Your Site Has Been Penalized By Google”. Gardner says, “Have you noticed the amount of traffic for your site dropping unexpectedly over the past week or so? Maybe your sales have suddenly seemed to have frozen and stopped coming in completely? If so, one possibility could be that your site has been penalized by Google and, as a result, your site has become unranked and pretty much excluded from the search engine search result pages. And it should come as no surprise that if people online can’t find you, you won’t get many... [...]

‘Why 97% of Internet Marketers fail’ by Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “Why 97% of Internet Marketers fail”. Gardner says, “Chris Carpenter just released a new video online… and it’s been quite awhile since he’s done that! In case you don’t know who Chris Carpenter is, he’s a master affiliate marketer, best selling author and inventor of the Google Cash system. He’s a veteran product developer, having written several eBooks, developed killer software, run massive membership sites and even bigger newsletters. And on top of all of that Chris is truly living the Internet lifestyle. He lives on the beach... [...]

‘7 Steps To Facebook Success’ by Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “7 Steps To Facebook Success”. Gardner says, “Because I use Facebook marketing successfully but don’t teach the subject myself, I just had to let to let you know about the free webinar that Mari Smith – the world’s foremost authority on marketing with Facebook – is holding on June 4th, 2013. Mari has created a 7-step Facebook Marketing Success Plan, packed with proven, money-making tips for you to turn the world’s most popular social network into the TOP source of quality leads and paying customers for your business!”. 7... [...]

‘How To Make Your YouTube Video Go Viral’ by Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “How To Make Your YouTube Video Go Viral”. Gardner says, “Are you dreaming of becoming a YouTube star? It’s entirely possible. You just need to find a way to make the video go viral! Here are some tips you can take to accomplish that goal: Pick a Subject When you are trying to get your video to go viral, you do not want to select a topic that many people have already made videos about. Instead, pick a new and fresh concept. Of course, it’s hard to go through every single video to figure out if yours is unique. However, you can do the best... [...]

‘15 Different Ways to Profit from Private Label Rights’ by Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “15 Different Ways to Profit from Private Label Rights”. Gardner says, “Affiliate marketing, product creation, blogging, Kindle/Nook or CPA offers; they all have one very important factor in common.  They all require content. You need content for your site, your marketing, your videos and your social media sharing. You use content in your podcasting, forum posting, content sharing and blog posts.  So, basically, you need content for just about anything in order to create or promote your online products and services”. 15 Different Ways... [...]

‘Too Busy to Blog?’ by Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “Too Busy to Blog?”. Gardner says, “Are there lengthy periods of time when you’re just too busy to post an article to your blog? Perhaps you are overwhelmed with preparations during the Christmas season or during summer when the”. Too Busy to Blog? Net Profits Today Blog  [...]

‘The Business Case for Agile Content Marketing’ by Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “The Business Case for Agile Content Marketing”. Gardner says, “I just downloaded a new ebook by Scribe CEO Brian Clark called “The Business Case for Agile Content Marketing.” The book is available for free from theScribe Content Library which Brian just opened today. It is a very well-written 23-page essay about how to generate more traffic and leads for your website and/or your customers’ websites. It contains some wonderful insights about how to build an audience. It’s an easy and worthwhile read over a cup of coffee”. The Business... [...]

‘Google Kills Adsense for Feeds’ by Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “Google Kills Adsense for Feeds”. Gardner says, “Just got notice today that Google plans to kill Adsense for Feeds effective December 3rd, 2012. Here’s the email they sent out. Hi, We’re contacting you because you’ve enabled AdSense for feeds in your AdSense account. After carefully evaluating the product, we’ve decided toretire AdSense for feeds. Starting December 3, 2012, we’ll discontinue serving ads via AdSense for feeds on RSS feeds and you’ll no longer see feed units in your My ads tab. To check if you’re currently generating... [...]

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