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Sunday, March 9, 2025

‘DIY: Customize & Design a New WordPress Header’ by Nicole Dean

Nicole Dean’s latest blog post is titled “DIY: Customize & Design a New WordPress Header”. Dean says, “Branding your website is a huge and important part of business. From choosing colors, to photos, to a tagline… there are a lot of decisions to be made. And, sometimes it takes a few tries (over a few years) to really hit it out of the ballpark. At least it usually does for me”. DIY: Customize & Design a New WordPress Header Nicole Dean’s Blog  [...]

‘The NAMS Dashboard: This Changes Everything’ by Nicole Dean

Nicole Dean’s latest blog post is titled “The NAMS Dashboard: This Changes Everything”. Dean says, “Hi! One of my top recommendations online for the last year has been the NAMS Business System. There’s SO much to it. Just tons of value. Much more than anything else that I’ve seen online. But, there was ONE big flaw to it that I really was hoping could be corrected. Somehow. The problem?”. The NAMS Dashboard: This Changes Everything Nicole Dean’s Blog  [...]

‘Ways to More Products, More Customers, More Cash’ by Nicole Dean

Nicole Dean’s latest blog post is titled “Ways to More Products, More Customers, More Cash”. Dean says, “As you may or may not know, one of my biggest passions is helping Infoproduct sellers. That would include you if you have created your own ebook, telecourse, membership site, software, plugin, checklist package, calendar or video series that you sell. Well, one of my friends is someone who I brainstorm with regularly and who”. Ways to More Products, More Customers, More Cash Nicole Dean’s Blog  [...]

‘How to Write an Article or Awesome Blog Post in 30 Minutes or Less’ by Nicole Dean

Nicole Dean’s latest blog post is titled “How to Write an Article or Awesome Blog Post in 30 Minutes or Less”. Dean says, “You may have seen Terry’s amazingly thorough response in my Expert Briefs blog post the other day “How to Get Other People to Promote You“. If not, click on that. It will open in a new window so you can read it later. It’s awesome. If you’re newer to the scene, Terry is an established marketer who I respect and enjoy very much”. How to Write an Article or Awesome Blog Post in 30 Minutes or Less Nicole Dean’s Blog  [...]

‘How to Make a Podcast to Grow your Business’ by Nicole Dean

Nicole Dean’s latest blog post is titled “How to Make a Podcast to Grow your Business”. Dean says, “Today I would like to share someone who is very special to me. Kelly McCausey. See? That’s me and Kel in the picture to the right. I’m squeezing her so hard that my face is squished.  (Taken at the NAMS Workshop in Atlanta) -> Why do I love Kelly? Let me count the ways… Kelly”. How to Make a Podcast to Grow your Business Nicole Dean’s Blog  [...]

‘How to Make a Podcast to Grow your Business’ by Nicole Dean

Nicole Dean’s latest blog post is titled “How to Make a Podcast to Grow your Business”. Dean says, “Today I would like to share someone who is very special to me. Kelly McCausey. See? That’s me and Kel in the picture to the right. I’m squeezing her so hard that my face is squished.  -> Why do I love Kelly? Let me count the ways… Kelly was my very first mentor online when”. How to Make a Podcast to Grow your Business Nicole Dean’s Blog  [...]

‘Klout. Your Score, Your Settings, Your Perks’ by Nicole Dean

Nicole Dean’s latest blog post is titled “Klout. Your Score, Your Settings, Your Perks”. Dean says, “Last week, I was introduced to Klout by my friend, Tracy Roberts, who was visiting me for a brainstorming weekend at the beach. She told me to sign up, so I did. After some finagling, I figured out the pieces and parts to using Klout and wanted to share them with you so that you”. Klout. Your Score, Your Settings, Your Perks Nicole Dean’s Blog  [...]

‘How to Get People to Promote You’ by Nicole Dean

Nicole Dean’s latest blog post is titled “How to Get People to Promote You”. Dean says, “It’s another Expert Briefs, where I ask really smart business owners to answer your burning questions. If you’ve missed past Expert Briefs, you can click on the undies to see them all –> Last week I asked our panel of experts… What’s the #1 thing someone can do to get your attention so that you’d”. How to Get People to Promote You Nicole Dean’s Blog  [...]

‘40+ Weird & Crazy Niches’ by Nicole Dean

Nicole Dean’s latest blog post is titled “40+ Weird & Crazy Niches”. Dean says, “If you haven’t noticed, I’m doing a week of lists, to experiment with to see how much my traffic / exposure / interaction changes, if at all. Today, I decided to resurrect my past Weird Niche Wednesdays posts from my archives – in list format. Please vote up your favorites. I’m curious which you”. 40+ Weird & Crazy Niches Nicole Dean’s Blog  [...]

‘The Ever-Expanding List of CommentLuv Enabled Blogs’ by Nicole Dean

Nicole Dean’s latest blog post is titled “The Ever-Expanding List of CommentLuv Enabled Blogs”. Dean says, “As I mentioned yesterday,  I just upgraded my Comment Luv Plugin – so that you can choose which of your blog posts you would like to feature when leaving a comment. What is CommentLuv? Well, it is a WordPress plugin that allows you to feature your commenters more and give them a little extra love”. The Ever-Expanding List of CommentLuv Enabled Blogs Nicole Dean’s Blog  [...]

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