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Sunday, December 29, 2024

‘Firefox Is Blocking Your Cookies’ – ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog

The latest article on ‘Offervault Scoop’ blog is titled “Firefox Is Blocking Your Cookies”. Dustin says, “The topic of online privacy is heating up. Recently we talked about how a U.S. congressman is looking to pass the “Do Not Track Me” act.  Now Firefox is entering it’s hat into the conversation. By default, a patch for Firefox version 22 will automatically block third party cookies. Good news for privacy advocates”. Firefox Is Blocking Your Cookies  [...]

‘76 Traffic Sources Mind Map’ – ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog

The latest article on ‘Offervault Scoop’ blog is titled “76 Traffic Sources Mind Map”. Dustin says, “Ohhh traffic. You either have it and want more or it eludes you like a 3 dollar bill. Today we’ve got a mind map that will share with you 76 different ways you can start driving more traffic to your site. Keep this in mind while exploring this thing. Not all traffic sources will work”. 76 Traffic Sources Mind Map  [...]

‘Manage Your Projects Better, Make More Money. Period’ – ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog

The latest article on ‘Offervault Scoop’ blog is titled “Manage Your Projects Better, Make More Money. Period”. Dustin says, “Have you ever felt like you could make more money if you just got things done faster? The truth is there’s a high probability that you’re right. One key to efficiency is collaboration. When you have a team, or even just an individual you work with; effectively collaborating on a project can greatly increase the”. Manage Your Projects Better, Make More Money. Period ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog  [...]

‘1 Tool That Will Change How You Create Landing Pages’ – ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog

The latest article on ‘Offervault Scoop’ blog is titled “1 Tool That Will Change How You Create Landing Pages”. Dustin says, “How many of us are guilty of trying to create a webpage to promote a product but get stuck somewhere along the way with the technology? Maybe an image doesn’t show up here or a box overlaps over there. It happens to a lot of people. The problem is that affiliates will often try to create web”. 1 Tool That Will Change How You Create Landing Pages ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog  [...]

‘4 Tips For Writing Better Headlines Today’ – ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog

The latest article on ‘Offervault Scoop’ blog is titled “4 Tips For Writing Better Headlines Today”. Dustin says, “Everyone involved in Internet marketing in any capacity should know how to write a headline. If you don’t know you should be striving to learn. If you’re not at least learning, you’re going to continue to struggle in almost every facet of the game. I’ve said it before but it’s worth saying again. We use”. 4 Tips For Writing Better Headlines Today ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog  [...]

‘The War Is On For Your Social Images’ – ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog

The latest article on ‘Offervault Scoop’ blog is titled “The War Is On For Your Social Images”. Dustin says, “Twitter and Instagram are fighting over your digital images. Yesterday Twitter launched their rumored image filters. The release happened on the same day that Instagram updated their app with new filters and camera function. It’s all so very not-coincidental. Twitter’s blog broke the news like this: Starting today, you’ll be able to edit and refine”. The War Is On For Your Social Images ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog  [...]

‘8 Landing Page Tips and Tricks’ – ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog

The latest article on ‘Offervault Scoop’ blog is titled “8 Landing Page Tips and Tricks”. Dustin says, “Landing pages are the quintessential conversion tool for affiliates. It’s made up of part science and part artistic implementation. When you test it enough and finally get it right it has the ability to make you rich. There are tricks to making your landing pages even more effective than your “run-of-the-mill” style page”. 8 Landing Page Tips and Tricks ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog  [...]

‘Market Spotlight – Education Offers’ – ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog

The latest article on ‘Offervault Scoop’ blog is titled “Market Spotlight – Education Offers”. Dustin says, “Education and more specifically College education is an enormous market online. There have been companies that have made millions by promoting educational offers, exclusively. If you’re the kind of marketer that’s interested in mass appeal – this may be the market for you. Take a look at this Google trend graph. You might begin to”. Market Spotlight – Education Offers ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog  [...]

‘Facebook Rolls Out New Tracking Options’ – ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog

The latest article on ‘Offervault Scoop’ blog is titled “Facebook Rolls Out New Tracking Options”. Dustin says, “Facebook is rolling out a new way for advertisers to track the effectiveness of their ads. In addition to their conversion tracking tool you’ll also be able to track via the “View Tags” system. What Do View Tags Do? The view tags system allows FB to drop a cookie on folks that see specific ads”. Facebook Rolls Out New Tracking Options ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog  [...]

‘Finding the Right Offers For the Right Audience’ – ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog

The latest article on ‘Offervault Scoop’ blog is titled “Finding the Right Offers For the Right Audience”. Dustin says, “Recently I started an affiliate case study. You can read about the strategy on that post. This post is going to discuss what I’ve done leading up to this point that is helping me laser target one aspect of my campaign. The first part of my campaign will rely on a retargeting audience I’ve built over the”. Finding the Right Offers For the Right Audience ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog  [...]

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