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Monday, December 30, 2024

‘Review – 3 Banner Spy Tools’ – ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog

The latest article on ‘Offervault Scoop’ blog is titled “Review – 3 Banner Spy Tools”. Dustin says, “The art of the swipe is an affiliate’s best friend. Learning from your competition has always been a smart way to go about business. Intelligence is powerful. It can be both a blessing and a curse. Personally, I think it’s more blessing. It helps the creative process move along faster and gives you insight into”. Review – 3 Banner Spy Tools ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog  [...]

‘Well Look Who Wants To Sue Google’ – ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog

The latest article on ‘Offervault Scoop’ blog is titled “Well Look Who Wants To Sue Google”. Dustin says, “Have you ever felt like Google skewed their search results to favor those they deemed worthy? Or have you ever noticed how Google’s products dominate their verticals? Well you’re not alone. Others have noticed Google’s favoritism too. In fact, the FTC has taken serious interest in the search giant. So much so that they’d like”. Well Look Who Wants To Sue Google ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog  [...]

‘Increasing Email Opens and CTR’s’ – ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog

The latest article on ‘Offervault Scoop’ blog is titled “Increasing Email Opens and CTR’s”. Dustin says, “Mindvalley Insights published a new video on boosting ctr’s and open rates. It’s about 20 minutes long but it’s a very good lesson. There are a lot of marketers out there using a shotgun approach to email marketing. Doing this may drive revenue but it’s less sustainable than other methods. This video discusses how to”. Increasing Email Opens and CTR’s ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog  [...]

‘Niche Spotlight – Make Money Offers’ – ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog

The latest article on ‘Offervault Scoop’ blog is titled “Niche Spotlight – Make Money Offers”. Dustin says, “It’s true. This market carries a social stigma. Another truth is that “make money” offers continue to make big big money online and off. It appeals to one of the desperate buyers of all. It appeals to the person desperate to pay their rent, or their mortgage, or their college loans, or any number of”. Niche Spotlight – Make Money Offers ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog  [...]

‘How To Profit Forever’ – ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog

The latest article on ‘Offervault Scoop’ blog is titled “How To Profit Forever”. Dustin says, “We live in uncertain times. That’s a “macro” perspective with “micro” level implications. What the hell am I talking about?  It’s a bit cryptic but what I’m talking about is…you. What drives you in this business? Is it the lure of money? Freedom? Cars? Sex? I hope you know. You’re going to need it (and”. How To Profit Forever ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog  [...]

‘Mobile Marketing What’s Working Now’ – ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog

The latest article on ‘Offervault Scoop’ blog is titled “Mobile Marketing What’s Working Now”. Dustin says, “Mobile advertising is still in it’s infancy. And like all infants its growing and changing at a fast pace. The technology is changing. The way people use mobile devices are changing and evolving too. All of this adds up to a topic that’s tough to keep your finger on the pulse of. But that doesn’t mean we’re”. Mobile Marketing What’s Working Now ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog  [...]

‘Getting Your Feet Wet – Part 1’ – ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog

The latest article on ‘Offervault Scoop’ blog is titled “Getting Your Feet Wet – Part 1”. Dustin says, “Sometimes someone or something says or does just the right thing to inspire you into action. That was what happened to me today after talking to a friend of mine. He said a magical combination of words that got my butt moving and setting up a new affiliate campaign (and write about it on Scoop)”. Getting Your Feet Wet – Part 1 ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog  [...]

‘Banner Ad Critic – Why Your Banners Suck’ – ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog

The latest article on ‘Offervault Scoop’ blog is titled “Banner Ad Critic – Why Your Banners Suck”. Dustin says, “Display advertising is tricky business. It’s a challenge getting people to click your ads. And when you do get them to click it’s a challenge to get them to convert. By the time you’ve got the conversion thing figured out your previously effective banners may be losing their potency. When you get it right though”. Banner Ad Critic – Why Your Banners Suck ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog  [...]

‘Banner Ad Critic – Why Your Banners Suck’ – ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog

The latest article on ‘Offervault Scoop’ blog is titled “Banner Ad Critic – Why Your Banners Suck”. Dustin says, “Display advertising is tricky business. It’s a challenge getting people to click your ads. And when you do get them to click it’s a challenge to get them to convert. By the time you’ve got the conversion thing figured out your previously effective banners may be losing their potency. When you get it right though”. Banner Ad Critic – Why Your Banners Suck ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog  [...]

‘Diversify Your Mobile Media Buys’ – ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog

The latest article on ‘Offervault Scoop’ blog is titled “Diversify Your Mobile Media Buys”. Dustin says, “With the exponential growth of mobile advertising, it’s important to ensure that as media buyers we are diversifying our mobile buys across all facets of mobile media. With the current growth pace of 80 percent [annually?], it’s even more crucial now to consider mobile advertising as one of your primary sources of ad inventory”. Diversify Your Mobile Media Buys ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog  [...]

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