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Monday, March 10, 2025

What is On-Page SEO – 2.1. SEO Course by Ahrefs [Video]

On-page SEO is the practice of optimizing web pages to rank higher in search engines. And it revolves heavily around optimizing pages for search intent. Ahrefs has published a video titled ‘What is On-Page SEO’ to explain what is on-page SEO. The Ahrefs team says, “On-page optimizations also involve creating and optimizing HTML tags like titles and meta descriptions. If you’ve been exposed to the practice of on-page SEO, then it’s quite likely that you’ve heard conflicting advice. So, in this video, you’ll learn some common advice on on-page SEO best practices that are... [...]

Eleven Ranking Factors of On-Page SEO

On-page SEO refers to the practice of optimizing website content to grow organic search traffic. It helps users (and search engines) read and interpret your website content. Portent contributor Kat Sherkeo has shared eleven ranking factors for on-page SEO. Sherkeo says, “Let’s take a look at 11 essential ranking factors that help landing pages rise to the top of organic search results. 1. Keyword Mapping Always start your on-page SEO audit with keyword mapping. If you don’t know what keywords you’re targeting, there’s no point in optimizing the landing page for “SEO.” There’s... [...]

On-Page SEO Guide [SEO Tips & Tricks for Bloggers]

Here’s a guest post by Sherisse Rogers. When you’re starting off as a blogger its seems like there is a neverending list of things you need to do to make your blog successful. You have to: Have a nice design Posts regularly Build an email list Create a lead magnet to help grow your list Network with other bloggers Find good affiliate offers And a whole host of tips for new bloggers!! Geez! Then, once your blog is gaining some traction some jerk tells you that you need to do on-page SEO so that your site shows up organically. First of all, WHAT IS SEO? Secondly, WHAT IS ON-PAGE... [...]

Project Supremacy: even online beginners can do SEO right #ad

A lot of marketers have started using paid traffic instead of SEO. That’s because the usual SEO techniques are no longer paying off for them. But advanced SEO tools, like Schema and Image Exif and others can give SEO the power it used to have. Today, Todd Spears and Herc Magnus are releasing new software, Project Supremacy, that can reinvigorate your SEO and push your site up in the rankings. Project Supremacy uses the most advanced on-page SEO techniques to automatically cause your website to rise in Google’s search results. Without proper on-page optimization, backlinks are of limited... [...]

Page One Plugin 2.0: automated SEO for your WordPress site #ad

Time is running out on the sale to celebrate the announcement of version 2.0 of the Page One Plugin. This software: • Installs 17 SEO-enhancing, traffic-building plugins on your site, These 17 plugins don’t cost you anything, but this setup saves you lots of manual work. • Optimizes your settings so these plugins work effectively • Builds silo after silo of related posts and inter-links these posts for improved SEO • Checks keyword density in your posts • Google authorship support is built-in. This plugin name may be “over the top” (he doesn’t guarantee... [...]

Backlink Diversity: A Solution to Google’s EMD update problems #ad

By now you have probably heard that a few months ago, Google made its third major change to its search results ranking algorithm in about a year. This one affects “exact match domain” (EMD) names. A marketer wants to rank well for a particular term (for example, “hybrid underwater parasailing”) so he or she buys domain name, an exact match for the term. Google used to give that domain name high weight in its algorithm, but after determining that these domains were often of little value, changed the algorithm to look at other factors for value. Your... [...]

Smart Pages Plugin: when your site is smart, search engines notice #ad

WordPress Smart Pages Plugin is designed to make the setup and optimization of your sites so easy it’s done in seconds. Once you have decided on the keywords to target and type of site you are going to build, just put the keywords into this new plugin and in seconds you will have optimized pages, linked to each other and ready to go. On each site you build you should optimize some pages for specific keywords you want to cater to on that page. WordPress Smart Pages Plugin does all of that for you with a few simple clicks of the mouse. This one step alone will see you leap ahead in the online... [...]

White Hat SEO On Steroids; secrets of Google ranking #ad

In White Hat SEO On Steroids, Peter Jones shows you the secrets his now 7 figure clients use to create content, a writing formula and on-page SEO checklist that sets your SEO campaign up for maximum success. For your own business or for your clients, these SEO principles will put you on target for improving a site’s rank. In White Hat SEO On Steroids, Peter JOnes shows you the secrets his now 7 figure clients use to create content, a writing formula and on-page SEO checklist that sets your SEO campaign up for maximum success. No matter what your niche is, your site can benefit from... [...]

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