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Saturday, December 28, 2024

‘The Simplest Way To Grow Your Business’ by Colleen Kilpatrick

Colleen Kilpatrick’s guest article on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “The Simplest Way To Grow Your Business”. Kilpatrick says, “One evening, a Chief was telling his tribe a story about two dogs that live in his mind. One of the dogs he described as fearful and pessimistic, the other confident and optimistic. “These dogs are involved in a constant struggle,” he told them. One of the members of the tribe asked”. The Simplest Way To Grow Your Business Marketing for Success  [...]

‘The 1 Thing You Can Do To Make More Sales’ by Jeffrey Mayer

Jeffrey Mayer’s guest article on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “The 1 Thing You Can Do To Make More Sales”. Mayer says, “Tom, one of my consulting clients, is in financial services. One ?afternoon he was telling me about the wonderful appointment he ?had just had with John – who is an elephant – a H-U-G-E prospect. Tom had just spent the past hour”. The 1 Thing You Can Do To Make More Sales Marketing for Success  [...]

‘5 Fool Proof Ways To Attract More Blog Traffic’ by Ivana Taylor

Ivana Taylor’s guest article on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “5 Fool Proof Ways to Attract More Blog Traffic”. Taylor says, “The best advice I ever got about blogging came from Anita Campbell, publisher of the award winning Small Business Trends with well over 100,000 subscribers. It came on a day that I was feeling very down. I had been writing posts and”. 5 Fool Proof Ways to Attract More Blog Traffic Marketing for Success  [...]

‘3 Simple Ways To Boost Your Profits’ by Ryan Healy

Ryan Healy’s guest article on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “3 Simple Ways To Boost Your Profits”. Healy says, “You probably get the emails. Each has a creative subject line and even more creative, convincing copy.  There are tens of thousands of affiliate programs all competing for a limited number of affiliates. How do you attract the best affiliates you possibly can? Here are 3 different strategies for you to pursue”. 3 Simple Ways To Boost Your Profits Marketing for Success  [...]

‘The Reason You’re Not Closing More Sales’ by Jeffrey Mayer

Jeffrey Mayer’s guest article on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “The Reason You’re Not Closing More Sales”. Mayer says, “Don was working with Phyllis at Ajax Manufacturing and was about to put a proposal together. He needed some additional information about their situation. He sat down wrote a list of questions and sent”. The Reason You’re Not Closing More Sales Marketing for Success  [...]

‘Why Focusing On Closing Is Killing Your Sales’ by Jeffrey Mayer

Jeffrey Mayer’s guest article on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “Why Focusing On Closing Is Killing Your Sales”. [‘Marketing for Success’ Blog Post] […]  [...]

‘How To Make $100 An Hour Twitter’ by Ivana Taylor

Ivana Taylor’s guest article on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “How To Make $100 An Hour Twitter”. [‘Marketing for Success’ Blog Post] […]  [...]

‘What’s Killing Your Sales’ by Jack Price

Jack Price’s guest article on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “What’s Killing Your Sales”. [‘Marketing for Success’ Blog Post] […]  [...]

‘Why Your Readers Jump Ship’ by Ivana Taylor

Ivana Taylor’s guest article on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “Why Your Readers Jump Ship”. [‘Marketing for Success’ Blog Post] […]  [...]

‘What’s In A Name?’ by Jeffrey Mayer

Jeffrey Mayer’s guest article on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “What’s In A Name?”. [‘Marketing for Success’ Blog Post] […]  [...]

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