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Thursday, March 6, 2025

P1 Video Magnet Software Suite: price rising at Midnight #ad

Peter Garety announced his P1 Video Magnet Software Suite last week and he has had a special discounted price for the launch. But that discount ends tonight. Actually, the discount has been shrinking over the last week, but it is going away completely tonight. The way to understand what he is offering and to still get the current discount, is to check out the intro webinar he did a week ago. He recorded it, and a replay is now available here. Garety created this software for people who create good content, but aren’t noticed by search engines or the public. With this software you can build... [...]

Your free access to SP TubeX will be removed shortly #ad

We have been telling you about Peter Garety‘s: • Free training webinar today • Offer to give you his SPTubeX recorded training • His upcoming new product. for several days now. Today is the culmination of all his preparation. His seminar is at 10AM Eastern, 7AM Pacific, today. If you see this notice before then, register and participate in his training. Garety says he and his associates ranked on the first page of Google for 610 keywords. On his webinar, he will talk about that achievement. Also on the webinar, he will tell you how to get the free SPTubeX training. Only get it if you... [...]

SEO secret that gives hundreds of first page rankings #ad

Peter Garety is getting ready for a major product launch tomorrow. He is excited about the new product since he expects it to help you get hundreds of first page rankings without spending thousands of dollars or wasting weeks in experimentation. Garety has done the experimentation already, and he has found a very effective SEO Formula, time tested and proven, and it has been untoughed by all the Google updates in recent years. With Garety’s process, he says you can dominate first page rankings when you really need to, not weeks or months later. Just: • Figure out keywords that you want... [...]

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