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Friday, February 28, 2025

‘From Facebook’ by Paul Colligan

Paul Colligan’s latest blog post is titled “From Facebook”. Colligan says, “So the iPad Magazine is looking to be 1/3 about Online Video Creation, 1/3 about the Podcast space, and 1/3 about Social Media. I guess that whole “You The Media” thing I was pushing a few years back has some”. From Facebook Paul Colligan’s Blog  [...]

‘Twitter To Blog Automatic Posting’ by Paul Colligan

Paul Colligan’s latest blog post is titled “Twitter To Blog Automatic Posting”. Paul says, “You can post directly to your Blog from Twitter (when it makes sense) through This method for automatic posting from Twitter makes it possible for your blog to become not just a repository for your posts, but a”. Twitter To Blog Automatic Posting Paul Colligan’s Blog  [...]

‘Screencasting Live On Video’ by Paul Colligan

Paul Colligan’s latest blog post is titled “Screencasting Live On Video”. Colligan says, “Screencasting Live On Video The whole Google Hangouts On Air broadcasting live to YouTube thing isn’t just about talking head video. In this quick video I show how you could use the feature to broadcast your screen to the world”. Screencasting Live On Video Paul Colligan’s Blog  [...]

‘An iPag Magazine About YouTube?’ by Paul Colligan

Paul Colligan’s latest blog post is titled “An iPag Magazine About YouTube?”. Colligan says, “An iPag Magazine About YouTube? If I were to do an iPad Magazine about YouTube – specifically in the areas of content creation, marketing, etc. – what would you like to see in it?…”. An iPag Magazine About YouTube? Paul Colligan’s Blog  [...]

‘What Is Going On With Your Blog?’ by Paul Colligan

Paul Colligan’s latest blog post is titled “What Is Going On With Your Blog?”. Colligan says, “What is going on with your blog? First things first – if you’ve been poking around my blog lately, you’ll notice a lot of wackiness. In short, we’re upgrading and testing a bunch of things for the new product/service and we’re live testing everything at the blog. Yes, things are wonky – but they’re gonna get better fast and we’re all going to be better for it”. What Is Going On With Your Blog? Paul Colligan’s Blog  [...]

‘Google Hangouts On Air – What That Means’ by Paul Colligan

Paul Colligan’s latest blog post is titled “Google Hangouts On Air – What That Means”. Colligan says, “I’ve spent most of the day in a bit of a daze. The announcement that Google is rolling out Google Hangouts on Air to everyone over the next few weeks has staggering implications. I’ll explore a few of the big”. Google Hangouts On Air – What That Means Paul Colligan’s Blog  [...]

‘Make Heroes Of Your Customers’ by Paul Colligan

Paul Colligan’s latest blog post is titled “Make Heroes Of Your Customers”. Colligan says, “Tomorrow is the 9th and final (teaching) Webinar for the Cross Channel Mojo program. I gotta admit, I’m a bit choked up about the whole thing. This has been the most rewarding training program I’ve ever done. One of the reasons, and I hope everyone takes this to heart, is that I’ve really done everything”. Make Heroes Of Your Customers Paul Colligan’s Blog  [...]

‘Trapped By Tech?’ by Paul Colligan

Paul Colligan’s latest blog post is titled “Trapped By Tech?”. Colligan says, “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: There are really only two ways to look at tech – It is here to make our life HARDER (and our job is to tame it) or it is here to make our life EASIER (and our job is to make it do wonderful things). I “. Trapped By Tech? Paul Colligan’s Blog  [...]

‘I Love Doing Webinars’ by Paul Colligan

Paul Colligan’s latest blog post is titled “I Love Doing Webinars”. Colligan says, “As I type this, I’ve got a bunch of folk watching a Webinar LIVE and I have even more watching the recording at a later date. I can teach from the comfort of my own home and share the stuff that I really love. The Internet has made my business pretty fun”. I Love Doing Webinars Paul Colligan’s Blog  [...]

‘Did Twitter Really Beat Facebook for Traffic?’ by Paul Colligan

Paul Colligan’s latest blog post is titled “Did Twitter Really Beat Facebook for Traffic?”. Colligan says, “The stats are slowing coming in on the Blue Like Jazz Red Carpet Stream project ( and, here’s something for you: In short clicks from Twitter were greater than clicks from Facebook. Part of it came from the constant tweeting of the program by the principles from their smartyphones but … I would have guessed”. Did Twitter Really Beat Facebook for Traffic? Paul Colligan’s Blog  [...]

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