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Monday, March 3, 2025

Pixastudio: Access 22,000,000 Royalty-Free Stock Multimedia Assets #ad

PixaStudio Reloaded, cloud-based software containing a vast collection of stock media assets, is having a special Christmas Sale event hosted by marketing teams, IMReviewSquad, and Logicbeam Software. The sale runs through New Year’s Eve. This innovative tool provides access to over 22 million multimedia assets, featuring a powerful drag-and-drop design app and AI-driven image enhancement capabilities. It introduces a unique “CLICK – CUSTOMIZE – PROFIT” model, enabling you to launch a professional design and social media agency in just minutes. PixaStudio allows you... [...]

PixaStudio all-in-one design app includes 15M+ royalty-free multimedia items #ad

Your marketing campaigns will not do as well and you’ll end up wasting time, money and effort if you are not using outstanding attention-grabbing multimedia creative content, such as pictures, videos, and memes, such as that in PixaStudio. A recent marketing study found that: ➤ 94% of visitors will leave a website if there are no images/ graphics on it. ➤ Articles with images grab 94% more views. ➤ Adding images in Facebook posts reaps 20% more engagement ➤ Tweets with images receive 150% more retweets. So there is no doubt that attention-grabbing images, memes, and other multimedia elements... [...]

PixaStudio: 15 Million Multimedia Assets for you #ad

PixaStudio is a one-stop solution for all your stock needs with over 15 million searchable premium royalty-free stock images, videos, memes, vectors, GIFs, icons, animated characters, animated backgrounds, audios tracks and more. Now you should have no trouble finding the graphic and multimedia items you need. Even better, during the launch, you can have this huge collection of graphic assets for a one-time investment. (Hurray! No monthly fees!) Look a what’s included: ✔ 12 Million+ Searchable Images ✔ Over 1 Million Searchable GIFs and Memes ✔ 2 Million+ Searchable Stock... [...]

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