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Friday, September 27, 2024

Use AI for Doing? You Better Do the Thinking [Video]

Content Marketing Institute has published a new video ‘Use AI for Doing? You Better Do the Thinking’. The CMI team says, “The content marketing news you need to lead, from Content Marketing Institute’s Robert Rose. A recent judgment in an Air Canada lawsuit says companies are accountable for incorrect information provided by their generative AI technologies — even if it conflicts with stated policies on other content platforms. Robert Rose says this is a pressing reminder that AI can be a helpful storytelling tool, but it’s up to you to do the strategic thinking required... [...]

Privacy Sandbox: Google’s Feast or Fair Targeting Play? [Video]

Content Marketing Institute has published a new video ‘Privacy Sandbox: Google’s Feast or Fair Targeting Play?’. The CMI team says, “A new report from the IAB says Google’s Privacy Sandbox plans for replacing third-party cookie tracking are half-baked. Meanwhile, the U.K. Competition and Markets Authority is hinting that the Sandbox was architected to give Google an unfair advantage. No matter where the cookie chips might fall, Robert Rose urges brands to start building their first-party data approach.” Content Marketing Institute  [...]

Privacy Sandbox: Google’s Feast or Fair Targeting Play? [Video]

Content Marketing Institute has published a new video ‘Privacy Sandbox: Google’s Feast or Fair Targeting Play?’. The CMI team says, “The content marketing news you need to lead from Content Marketing Institute’s Robert Rose. A new report from the IAB says Google’s Privacy Sandbox plans for replacing third-party cookie tracking are half-baked. Meanwhile, the U.K. Competition and Markets Authority is hinting that the Sandbox was architected to give Google an unfair advantage. No matter where the cookie chips might fall, Robert Rose urges brands to start building their first-party... [...]

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