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Monday, March 10, 2025

‘What is Your End Goal?’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest article is titled “What is Your End Goal?”. Trahd says, “I hate to think of this but the end of the year is fast approaching. My youngest asked me yesterday how much longer it would be until Christmas and my youngest son is already counting down the days until his birthday (mid-December). I have these daily reminders that the year is closing fast. And this only means that a new year will soon begin”. What is Your End Goal? *This news post was submitted by Gail Trahd.  [...]

‘Business Requires Action But Resources are Your Greatest Asset’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest article is titled “Business Requires Action But Resources are Your Greatest Asset”. Trahd says, “Your business has a circle of life. As entrepreneurs we have a finite number of resources available to us. It is incredibly important that we utilize those resources in a way that improves the experience of our customers and increases our bottom line. If we don’t increase the bottom line, we can’t service the customers. If we don’t keep the customers happy – the business fails.  So how do we accomplish this?”. Business Requires Action But Resources... [...]

‘What’s THE Most Important Thing You Can Do?’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest article is titled “What’s THE Most Important Thing You Can Do?”. Trahd says, “There is ONE important thing you must do. You must do it in all relationships. You must do it to have financial security. You must do it to keep your home clean. You must do it to have a home. You must do this to eat, sleep, own anything, go anywhere. And yet, it is THE hardest thing to do”. What’s THE Most Important Thing You Can Do? *This news post was submitted by Gail Trahd.  [...]

‘What Do You do When Business Gets BIG?’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest article is titled “What do You do When Business Gets BIG?”. Trahd says, “You would think it is a GREAT problem to have! Too much business, lots of people clamoring for your products and services and your bank account growing by the minute. Unfortunately, it also means greater production of those products and services, larger number of customer service issues, delivery, outsourcing, sleepless nights, different tax structure and . . .  Ok – you get the picture. It’s a blessing . . . and a curse.  Here are a couple of stories and strategies you can... [...]

‘Innovation Will Be the Key To Forward Progress’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest article is titled “Innovation Will Be the Key To Forward Progress”. Trahd says, “Over the past several years we’ve seen a real shift in marketing techniques and the development of ideas. Or rather – we haven’t. It has been interesting how fast technology has improved and made marketing easier, more personable and user friendly.  One of the greatest things that the Internet has done is to make the world just a bit smaller.  Let’s consider this prediction”. Innovation Will Be the Key To Forward Progress *This news post was submitted by Gail Trahd.  [...]

‘Innovation Will Be the Key To Forward Progress’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest article is titled “Innovation Will Be the Key To Forward Progress”. Trahd says, “Over the past several years we’ve seen a real shift in marketing techniques and the development of ideas. Or rather – we haven’t. It has been interesting how fast technology has improved and made marketing easier, more personable and user friendly.  One of the greatest things that the Internet has done is to make the world just a bit smaller.  Let’s consider this prediction”. Innovation Will Be the Key To Forward Progress *This news post was submitted by Gail Trahd.  [...]

‘When Did We Start to De-Value Content?’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest article is titled “When Did We Start to De-Value Content?”. Trahd says, “PLR Health Wizard celebrated its fourth anniversary in April of this year. And, interestingly, there has been an incredible shift over the past five years in the arena of content creation. While prices have come down in real estate, electronics, technology, and just about any other product you can name, the percentage reduction in price for content creation has been astronomical”. When Did We Start to De-Value Content? *This news post was submitted by Gail Trahd.  [...]

‘Netbooks, Notebooks, Notepads, And Laptops’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest article is titled “Netbooks, Notebooks, Notepads, and Laptops”. Trahd says, “I remember the first computer I ever owned. It cost me almost $3,000 over 19 years ago. I bought it before I was even pregnant with my first children (twins) who are now 19 almost 20. I learned how to use DOS (no Windows in those days) and how to run Word Perfect to perfection. It was HUGE – slight difference from the laptops I use today. So what is the best piece of hardware for the work we do?”. Netbooks, Notebooks, Notepads, and Laptops *This news post was submitted by Gail... [...]

‘Social Media and Google +’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest article is titled “Social Media and Google +”. Trahd says, “Social media is here to stay. Ok, that’s not really news. 2 years ago marketers were telling you that using social media was a marketing fad. Today, everyone and their uncle is teaching you how to make zillions of dollars using Twitter and Facebook and now Google+. You need only spend 10 minutes a day monitoring your accounts and 20 minutes setting up a Facebook fan/business/timeline page and, Voila! – you have hit the jackpot!!!”. Social Media and Google + *This news post was submitted... [...]

‘Save it, Make it, Find it, Spend it, Waste it’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest article is titled “Save it, Make it, Find it, Spend it, Waste it”. Trahd says, “Of course it’s money! And, as an entrepreneur, it takes a few characteristics to get it all done. What those characteristics are and how to nurture them are topics that need to be discussed, evaluated and improved upon”. Save it, Make it, Find it, Spend it, Waste it *This news post was submitted by Gail Trahd.  [...]

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