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Monday, March 3, 2025

‘Your brain is an ATM’ by Charlie Page

Charlie Page’s latest article is titled “Your brain is an ATM”. Page says, “Did you know that your brain is an ATM machine? That’s right. You have enough information inside your head right now to create an information product that can be sold using the Internet. And you can do it in the next two weeks or less if you are focused and follow a few simple steps”. Your brain is an ATM  [...]

‘The new DOE is open now!’ by Charlie Page

Charlie Page’s latest article is titled “The new DOE is open now!”. Page says, “Today I’m thrilled to announce that the new and improved Directory of Ezines is open to the public! We have made major changes to the site and how we serve members. In the first 48 hours we’ve had over 244 comments about the new site. The consensus is that we did it right. Members are loving the new Directory of Ezines!“. The new DOE is open now!  [...]

‘FREE Webinar – Automatic Marketing’ by Charlie Page

Charlie Page’s latest article is titled “FREE Webinar – Automatic Marketing”. Page says, “It’s easy to become overwhelmed with the “secrets” of Internet marketing, isn’t it? From “three click” site builders that are nearly impossible to understand to “free advertising” systems that waste huge amounts of time without producing results it’s easy to see why people are frustrated. Add to that the endless upsells and one-time-offers when you buy a product and it almost becomes overwhelming”. FREE Webinar – Automatic Marketing  [...]

‘The new DOE opens on May 24!!’ by Charlie Page

Charlie Page’s latest article is titled “The new DOE opens on May 24!!”. Page says, “Today I’m thrilled to announce that the new Directory of Ezines opens on May 24. Our announcement includes important details for all members and for those who are not yet members. Things are changing fast – please take a few moments to read this important announcement”. The new DOE opens on May 24!!  [...]

‘Building TRUST With Your List’ by Charlie Page

Charlie Page’s latest article is titled “Building TRUST With Your List”. Page says, “How many times have you heard that you need to build a list of your own to succeed online? If you are like most people the answer is ‘more times than I can count!’ It really is true that you need a mailing list in order to succeed online over the long term”. Building TRUST With Your List  [...]

‘The Power of Product Knowledge’ by Charlie Page

Charlie Page’s latest article is titled “The Power of Product Knowledge”. Page says, “When it comes to marketing online there is one power that anyone can have but most overlook. It’s not copywriting, although copywriting is important. It’s not list building, although that is important too”. The Power of Product Knowledge  [...]

‘List Building for Newbies’ by Charlie Page

Charlie Page’s latest article is titled “List Building for Newbies”. Page says, “Here’s a question I get quite a bit. It’s a question I had when I started out. I’m willing to bet that you’ve had this question, too, at one point or another. “I know I need a mailing list of my own but I don’t know where to start.” Sometimes getting started is the hardest part“. List Building for Newbies  [...]

‘List Building Overview’ by Charlie Page

Charlie Page’s latest article is titled “List Building Overview”. Page says, “When it comes to list building there is so much information already on the market one would think that the market was saturated. Every “guru” and his pet hamster says “the money is in the list” … and it is”. List Building Overview  [...]

‘A Season of Change’ by Charlie Page

Charlie Page’s latest article is titled “A Season of Change”. Page says, “The following post is a strange mixture of business and personal. I say strange because talking about personal things is not my style. My focus is, and always has been, on helping people succeed. I’ve been very blessed in my online business and want to give real help to people who need it”. A Season of Change  [...]

‘YOU are the Brand!’ by Charlie Page

Charlie Page’s latest article is titled “YOU are the Brand!”. Page says, “How many times have we heard “Xerox this”, when the copier involved may not be a Xerox brand at all? What brand do you think of when you hear the words “Just do it”? Branding is a powerful tool in our business lives. Even if you are just starting out it’s important to think about how people perceive you“. YOU are the Brand!  [...]

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