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Monday, March 10, 2025

‘Predicting Facebook’s Q3 Earnings: Reasons For Cautious Optimism’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Predicting Facebook’s Q3 Earnings: Reasons For Cautious Optimism”. Dave Copeland says, “Facebook will release its second set of quarterly earnings as a public company on Tuesday, and early indications are they will be better than the results the social network announced in July. But even if they aren’t, Wall Street seems to be falling in love with the company all over again, as Facebook now seems to have an actual plan to get more of your money. Like a lot of Web companies, Facebook adopted the drug dealer’s business model: The first... [...]

‘YouTube Networks: An Inside Look At Their Unsavory Business Practices’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “YouTube Networks: An Inside Look At Their Unsavory Business Practices”. Fruzsina Eördögh says, “Ray William Johnson, the world’s most successful YouTuber, announced he is leaving his signed network Maker Studios earlier this week via video. The news sent the YouTube-o-sphere abuzz with gossip as both Johnson and Maker Studios are citing wildly different reasons for his departure. Almost everyone believes Johnson’s side of the story, however, because most YouTube networks have earned a nasty rep for screwing their talent out of money... [...]

‘How Is Windows 8 Going To Do? Microsoft Doesn’t Want To Talk About It’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “How Is Windows 8 Going To Do? Microsoft Doesn’t Want To Talk About It”. Mark Hachman says, “How well does Microsoft expect Windows 8 to do? Oddly enough, the company doesn’t want to talk about it. And while maybe the company just being careful, this is not an encouraging sign”. How Is Windows 8 Going To Do? Microsoft Doesn’t Want To Talk About It ReadWriteWeb  [...]

‘What The Hell Just Happened At Google?’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “What The Hell Just Happened At Google?”. Antone Gonsalves says, “The search giant was supposed to report earnings after the close of business today. Instead it jumped the gun and shocked Wall Street and Silicon Valley with a huge miss on both earnings and revenues. Then news broke that the announcement itself was a mistake. What the hell is going on in Mountain View?”. What The Hell Just Happened At Google? ReadWriteWeb  [...]

‘Why Boomers Won’t Release Their Grip On Technology’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Why Boomers Won’t Release Their Grip On Technology”. Brian Proffitt says, “Put away the cozy image of the little old lady knitting a sweater for the grandkids, or the distinguished gentlemen playing chess in the park, because the newest elder generation is not going to sit quiety in a rocking chair. Due to its size and timing as the dominant generation during the spectacular rise of information technology, Baby Boomers will continue to have an out-sized influence on technology use and innovation”. Why Boomers Won’t Release... [...]

‘Why Brands Should Build Their Own Social Communities’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Why Brands Should Build Their Own Social Communities”. Adam Popescu says, “When it comes to social media, lead generation is one of the trickiest yet most important metrics. Truth be told, it’s not that easy for companies to turn fans and followers into dollars. And limited data supplied by the big social networks often makes it even harder to show the lead generation value of social media. But Twitter and Facebook aren’t the only games in town”. Why Brands Should Build Their Own Social Communities ReadWriteWeb  [...]

‘Facebook Solidifies Advertising Position Without Offending Members’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Facebook Solidifies Advertising Position Without Offending Members”. Dave Copeland says, “Facebook’s addition of the Want button is a most likely, wise move to bolster its advertising efforts. And its new Collections button helps it confront the Pinterest threat head on. But are either good for members?”. Facebook Solidifies Advertising Position Without Offending Members ReadWriteWeb  [...]

‘Now You Can Search Your Email, Docs & Spreadsheets Right From The Main Google Box’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Now You Can Search Your Email, Docs & Spreadsheets Right From The Main Google Box”. Jon Mitchell says, “Google expanded its field trial Monday for anyone who wants to be able to search their personal stuff into the main Google search box. In addition to Gmail messages, you can now make your Google Drive documents and files searchable right from”. Now You Can Search Your Email, Docs & Spreadsheets Right From The Main Google Box ReadWriteWeb  [...]

‘New Cyberwar Rules Of Engagement: Will The U.S. Draft Companies To Fight?’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “New Cyberwar Rules Of Engagement: Will The U.S. Draft Companies To Fight?”. Brian Proffitt says, “Last week’s call from U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta for an expanded offensive role in cyberwar activities may have the ring of Hollywood drama, but the real-world implications for U.S. companies could be just as dramatic. Some observers speculate that American enterprises could be conscripted in order to create a coherent national response to cyber threats”. New Cyberwar Rules Of Engagement: Will The U.S. Draft Companies To... [...]

‘RWW Founder Richard MacManus Starts His Next Chapter’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “RWW Founder Richard MacManus Starts His Next Chapter”. ReadWriteWeb Editors say, “Last night, which was today, New Zealand time, Richard MacManus announced his departure from ReadWriteWeb. He was our founder, navigator, and editor-in-chief, and we will miss him. Richard is about to start a new chapter in his storied career. He’s writing a book. ReadWriteWeb is also about to make some great changes. The excitement is mutual. From his home in New Zealand, Richard founded the site in 2003 as his personal blog. It quickly became a guiding force... [...]

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