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Friday, March 7, 2025

‘Facebook-SEC Filings Prove Tough Regulators Are Good For Tech’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Facebook-SEC Filings Prove Tough Regulators Are Good For Tech”. ANTONE GONSALVES says, “The technology industry often frowns on government regulation as an unnecessary hindrance to the entrepreneurial spirit. But a team of Securities and Exchange Commission attorneys charged with keeping Facebook honest before it went public demonstrated the importance of regulators. Facebook vs. The SEC Facebook and the SEC fought for two and a half months before the company’s bungled initial public offering, often over information Facebook executives... [...]

‘What’s The Best Time Of Day To Send Emails? [Infographic]’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “What’s The Best Time Of Day To Send Emails? [Infographic]”. Fredric Paul says, “Email blasts may seem like the out-of-touch old fogey of online marketing, but there’s a reason they keep hanging around: They still work. But that doesn’t mean most businesses understand how to get the most out of them. One of the biggest, hardest-to-answer questions has always been: When is the best time to send out messages? Finally, we have some hard information. As an editor at a number of publications over the years, I’ve spent a lot... [...]

‘[Infographic] YouTube’s Top 1,000 Channels Reveal An Industry Taking Shape’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “[Infographic] YouTube’s Top 1,000 Channels Reveal An Industry Taking Shape”. FRUZSINA EÖRDÖGH says, “YouTube is still the pesky younger sibling of television, which is the wicked uncle of Hollywood. But the social video site is slowly becoming a formidable medium in its own right, creating new business models and spheres of influence for – literally – a million rising stars. OpenSlate, which describes its services as delivering “actionable information about the value of online video to advertisers,” recently put together... [...]

‘Chirpify: Buy, Sell, Donate With Your Twitter Account’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Chirpify: Buy, Sell, Donate With Your Twitter Account”. Adam Popescu says, “It was only a matter of time. Tweets are now transactions. A new service called Chirpify has opened Twitter to e-commerce, enabling people to buy, sell, donate, pay and otherwise transact in-stream with their Twitter accounts. It’s a storefront upload that’s already being adopted by big companies like Hewlett-Packard, PowerBar and VH1. Here’s how it works: Brands, small businesses and musicians tweet offers using a product image. Shoppers reply to... [...]

‘Microsoft Rolls Out Windows 8 “Service Pack” – Before Its Launch’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Microsoft Rolls Out Windows 8 “Service Pack” – Before Its Launch”. Mark Hachman says, “Is a service pack still a service pack when it’s called by another name? For Windows 8, it might be. In a highly unusual move, Microsoft is now offering a “Windows 8 Client and Windows Server 2012 General Availability Cumulative Update” via Windows Update, that rolls up changes and improvements Microsoft has made to Windows 8 and makes them available to users even before the official launch of the new operating system”. Microsoft... [...]

‘Use Microsoft Outlook? Patch It Now! New Flaw Attacks Via Email Previews’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Use Microsoft Outlook? Patch It Now! New Flaw Attacks Via Email Previews”. Mark Hachman says, “Microsoft on Tuesday released a patch for a critical vulnerability in Microsoft Office that could allow an attacker to take over your PC – if you do nothing more than preview an RTF file in Outlook. The security update is rated Critical for all supported editions of Microsoft Word 2007 and Microsoft Word 2010, and was part of the normal “Patch Tuesday” update that Microsoft normally issues. The issue can be fixed by going to the Microsoft... [...]

‘All Eyes Turn To Boomers And How They Use The Internet’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “All Eyes Turn To Boomers And How They Use The Internet”. Brian Proffitt says, “If your image of a computer geek is a scruffy, awkward kid in T-shirt and jeans, you may want to think again. The biggest technology adopters may well be the affluent over-50 powerhouse known as the Baby Boomer. The Economic Juggernaut Eighty million Boomers live, work and spend in the United States, nearly a third of the population. If you add the previous generation, the number of 50-plus Americans is 98 million, a segment of the population that’s expected... [...]

‘Spundge: A Collaborative Solution To Online Information Overload’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Spundge: A Collaborative Solution To Online Information Overload”. Adam Popescu says, “As a journalist, I spend much of my time sifting through media from the social networks, RSS feeds, and blogs I follow. I need ways to filter out the noise and focus on the good stuff, and I bet that other content creators like marketers, analysts, developers and entrepreneurs could use the same thing. I think I’ve found the right tool for the job. Spundge is a streaming service for searching, sharing and publishing Web content. It filters search... [...]

‘Big Data Is Creating Big Job Demand’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Big Data Is Creating Big Job Demand”. Brian Proffitt says, “Programming and development abilities top many employers’ most-sought-after-skills lists, as big data and mobile-platform development jack up demand to new levels. Wall Street firms, for example, are searching hard for programmers with a side of database skills, according to employment recruiter eFinancialCareers, which specializes in financial gigs. When the site posted its top 10 skill searches for the summer of 2012, programming languages and databases were at the top “by... [...]

‘Chrome Extension Protects Privacy Against Google, Facebook & 1,000 Other Sites’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Chrome Extension Protects Privacy Against Google, Facebook & 1,000 Other Sites”. Dave Copeland says, “If you’re tired of logging into Facebook to reset your privacy options every time the company updates its user agreement, a new Chrome extension may be the fix you’re looking for. PrivacyFix is being released today, and after playing with it, I’m thinking it may be the long-sought after answer to privacy concerns that regular Google and Facebook users hear on an almost-daily basis”. Chrome Extension Protects Privacy Against... [...]

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