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Monday, March 10, 2025

‘Animals in Email Design: The Trick to Grabbing Your Readers’ Attention?’ – Aweber Blog

The latest ‘Aweber’ blog post is titled “Animals in Email Design: The Trick to Grabbing Your Readers’ Attention?” Crystal Gouldey says, “You want to be memorable. Shared. Go viral, even. The solution? Animals. People can’t resist cute animals. They’re even reported to get more attention than major media outlets. It’s the reason why John St.’s “Catvertising” pitch became a viral hit. But you can’t just slap a random picture of a kitty in your design. It”. Animals in Email Design: The Trick to Grabbing Your Readers’ Attention? Aweber Blog  [...]

‘Beyond Email: 17 Easy Techniques to Optimize Your Mobile Marketing’ – Aweber Blog

The latest ‘Aweber’ blog post is titled “Beyond Email: 17 Easy Techniques to Optimize Your Mobile Marketing”. Jamie Turner says, “According to the Email Stat Center, between 60% and 70% of all smartphone users check email on their mobile devices. The good news is that if you’re an AWeber user, your emails are pre-formatted to be easily read on mobile devices. But email isn’t the only way to use mobile marketing to connect with customers. You can also use QR codes, mobile apps, mobile websites, paid search and a wide variety of other easy-to-implement tools”. Beyond... [...]

‘Your Emails Are Seen By More Than Your Subscribers…Right?’ – Aweber Blog

The latest ‘Aweber’ blog post is titled “Your Emails Are Seen By More Than Your Subscribers…Right?”. Amanda Gagnon says, “Email marketing and social media are two platforms for spreading your company’s message and products across the web. One of the toughest questions about social media as it grows and starts to mature a little is not just how to use social as a general marketing platform for buzz, promotion, and handling public relations, and develop the other uses that it may have just like email and email marketing have turned into an part of the modern daily... [...]

’86 Free Animated Gifs for Your Email Campaign’ – Aweber Blog

The latest ‘Aweber’ blog post is titled “86 Free Animated Gifs for Your Email Campaign”. Rebekah Henson says, “The new year is the perfect excuse to freshen up your email campaign, and we have a free gift to help with your improvements. Animated GIFs in emails are getting more and more popular – about 40% of retailers use animation in their emails at least occasionally. You can use them to liven up your campaign, too. We’ve got 86 animated buttons waiting to get clicked on in your messages”. 86 Free Animated Gifs for Your Email Campaign Aweber Blog  [...]

‘How Your Baby Booty Integrates AWeber and Unbounce’ – Aweber Blog

The latest ‘Aweber’ blog post is titled “How Your Baby Booty Integrates AWeber and Unbounce”. Crystal Gouldey says, “You may have heard about the Unbounce app, which was introduced some time ago. For those that were already using Unbounce, this was great news. But for those that were not familiar with Unbounce, and perhaps maybe still not, it may not be as obvious why this is so awesome. How do real people use Unbounce? Why do they want to integrate the two?” How Your Baby Booty Integrates AWeber and Unbounce Aweber Blog  [...]

‘Setting Expectations AFTER Sign Up’ – Aweber Blog

The latest ‘Aweber’ blog post is titled “Setting Expectations AFTER Sign Up”. Amanda Gagnon says, “When you deliver exactly what subscribers are expecting, you keep them comfortable, giving them a positive experience with your brand. Therefore, it’s important to make sure their expectations match what you plan to deliver. You can start setting the right expectations for your campaign from the get-go, during the sign up process”. Setting Expectations AFTER Sign Up Aweber Blog  [...]

‘Content Marketing Coup: How Social Media Examiner Grew Its List 234%’ – Aweber Blog

The latest ‘Aweber’ blog post is titled “Content Marketing Coup: How Social Media Examiner Grew Its List 234%”. Crystal Gouldey says, “Just two years after the launch of Social Media Examiner, founder Michael Stelzner has plenty to be proud of. He runs one of the world’s top business blogs, with an email list of more than 124,000 and growing, plus over 450,000 visitors per day”. Content Marketing Coup: How Social Media Examiner Grew Its List 234% Aweber Blog  [...]

‘The Email Subscribers You Don’t Want’ – Aweber Blog

The latest ‘Aweber’ blog post is titled “The Email Subscribers You Don’t Want”. Crystal Gouldey says, “Did you know that zombie email addresses might be sucking the life out of your email deliverabilty rate? This isn’t a teaser for some email marketing horror flick. These zombies are throwaway email addresses that can then end up on your list and prevent your emails from getting to the real subscribers. This can create”. The Email Subscribers You Don’t Want Aweber Blog  [...]

‘Plan Broadcasts With The (Updated) Free Email Marketing Calendar!’ – Aweber Blog

The latest ‘Aweber’ blog post is titled “Plan Broadcasts With The (Updated) Free Email Marketing Calendar!”. Rebekah Henson says, “Holidays present the perfect email marketing opportunity – from Christmas to New Year’s to Ask a Stupid Question Day. But everyone needs reminders for when to plan their holiday promotions. That’s why we compiled an email marketing holiday calendar for businesses and marketers everywhere to use. Now we have an updated version with major public holidays in several countries and a few novelty holidays you can leverage your campaign... [...]

‘Email Marketers, Here’s What to Watch For in 2012’ – Aweber Blog

The latest ‘Aweber’ blog post is titled “Email Marketers, Here’s What to Watch For in 2012”. Amanda Gagnon says, “While you’re pushing forward with your head down, trying to build and market your business, time is flying. Things are changing. If you’re marketing with email, the industry is shifting. What worked last year may not work this year. So what better way to find out how to move forward than asking experts in the email marketing community?” Email Marketers, Here’s What to Watch For in 2012 Aweber Blog  [...]

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