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Friday, September 20, 2024

‘For Everyone Who Asks: “How Do I Get More Traffic?”’ by Rich Schefren

Rich Schefren’s latest blog post is titled “For Everyone Who Asks: “How Do I Get More Traffic?””. Schefren says, “It’s the weekend, and I hope you’re out enjoying it with your family. And since it is the weekend, I want to get right to the point… Today, I want to tell you two very important truths about traffic. They’re really simple. But nearly all entrepreneurs who struggle don’t fully understand them… The first truth is…”. For Everyone Who Asks: “How Do I Get More Traffic?” Rich Schefren’s Blog  [...]

‘How Do You Sell To Somebody That Doesn’t Want To Be Sold’ by Rich Schefren

Rich Schefren’s latest blog post is titled “How Do You Sell To Somebody That Doesn’t Want To Be Sold”. Schefren says, “These days, most online marketers and entrepreneurs try to sell their prospects through a series of emails or other free communication. However, it is still possible to sell your prospects “cold” in your sales copy – without your prospects knowing who you are. In this podcast, Rich Schefren will explain how it’s done — by starting the sales conversation in the right way”. How Do You Sell To Somebody That Doesn’t Want To Be Sold Rich Schefren’s Blog  [...]

‘The Most Important Question You Should Be Asking About Website Traffic’ by Rich Schefren

Rich Schefren’s latest blog post is titled “The Most Important Question You Should Be Asking About Website Traffic”. Schefren says, “Every new online marketer always wants to know “how can I drive more traffic to my site?” But in reality, that’s not the question you should be asking. In this podcast, Rich Schefren will explain what you should want to know about traffic, and the role website traffic should play in your business”. The Most Important Question You Should Be Asking About Website Traffic Rich Schefren’s Blog  [...]

‘The 30,000 Foot View of Lead Gen and the Marketing Process’ by Rich Schefren

Rich Schefren’s latest blog post is titled “The 30,000 Foot View of Lead Gen and the Marketing Process”. Schefren says, “Marketing is a process like anything else. If you want to be an online entrepreneur, you need to know how to master this process (and that includes acquiring new prospects). In this podcast, Rich Schefren will give you the 30,000 foot view of lead gen and give you two questions to ponder as you develop your own marketing process”. The 30,000 Foot View of Lead Gen and the Marketing Process Rich Schefren’s Blog  [...]

‘An Intervention: Are You Too Busy to Be Successful?’ by Rich Schefren

Rich Schefren’s latest blog post is titled “An Intervention: Are You Too Busy to Be Successful?”. Schefren says, “Busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy… bankrupt. That’s the depressing downward spiral I see way too often in the Internet marketing space. Especially in 2012, when running an online business can include any (or some would argue ALL) of the following… Blogging Guest blogging Filming videos Writing sales copy”. An Intervention: Are You Too Busy to Be Successful? Rich Schefren’s Blog  [...]

‘The Simplest Way to Design a Webinar, Teleseminar or VSL that Sells’ by Rich Schefren

Rich Schefren’s latest blog post is titled “The Simplest Way to Design a Webinar, Teleseminar or VSL that Sells”. Schefren says, “It’s fairly easy to design a webinar, teleseminar or video sales letter that provides value for your prospects. But it’s significantly more difficult to create webinars and teleseminars that consistently sell your products. In this podcast, Rich Schefren will explain how to create the ideal webinar process that actually sells by concentrating on the one factor that 90% of marketers overlook”. The Simplest Way to Design a Webinar, Teleseminar or VSL that... [...]

‘Marketing 101: How To Get Inside Your Prospects’ Heads and Improve Your Marketing’ by Rich Schefren

Rich Schefren’s latest blog post is titled “Marketing 101: How To Get Inside Your Prospects’ Heads and Improve Your Marketing”. Schefren says, “There is a fundamental skill that forms the basis of all entrepreneur’s marketing. Without it, you won’t be an effective marketer or entrepreneur. In this podcast, Rich Schefren will explain what this fundamental skill is. He’ll also explain how to refine this skill so you can get inside your prospects’ heads and improve your marketing”. Marketing 101: How To Get Inside Your Prospects’ Heads and Improve Your Marketing Rich... [...]

‘A Short Exercise to Help You Visualize Your Next Business Success’ by Rich Schefren

Rich Schefren’s latest blog post is titled “A Short Exercise to Help You Visualize Your Next Business Success”. Schefren says, “A large part of being an entrepreneur is thinking strategically for your business and yourself. To think strategically, you need clarity about what you want for yourself and your business. In this podcast, Rich Schefren will give you a short exercise that can help you find that clarity”. A Short Exercise to Help You Visualize Your Next Business Success Rich Schefren’s Blog  [...]

‘A Quick 5-Minute Test that can Dramatically Increase Your Profits’ by Rich Schefren

Rich Schefren’s latest blog post is titled “A Quick 5-Minute Test that can Dramatically Increase Your Profits”. Schefren says, “What if the one piece of information you needed to increase your profits was in the last place you’d think to look? You won’t find it on any website or blog (yes, not even this one). You won’t read about it in a course or report. You can’t even get this information from a guru like myself”. A Quick 5-Minute Test that can Dramatically Increase Your Profits Rich Schefren’s Blog  [...]

Rich Schefren’s Podcast: ‘Your Entrepreneurial Journey: How to Write Your Own Life Story’

Rich Schefren has released his latest podcast titled “Your Entrepreneurial Journey: How to Write Your Own Life Story”. As an entrepreneur, you are writing your own life story. This is the most important story you will ever tell because it forms the reality that you know. In this podcast, Rich Schefren will explain how your own personal story is intricately tied to your success — and how to “edit” your own story to be even more successful Your Entrepreneurial Journey: How to Write Your Own Life Story Rich Schefren’s Blog  [...]

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