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Friday, September 20, 2024

Rich Schefren’s Podcast: ‘You Could Be One Webinar Away From A Multi-Million Dollar Business’

Rich Schefren has released his latest podcast titled “You Could Be One Webinar Away From A Multi-Million Dollar Business”. In this episode Rich shows you how to acquire customers earlier in the buying cycle using reports and webinars . ‘You Could Be One Webinar Away From A Multi-Million Dollar Business’ Podcast Rich Schefren’s Blog  [...]

‘How to Figure Out What You Really Need for Your Business’ by Rich Schefren

Rich Schefren’s latest blog post is titled “How to Figure Out What You Really Need for Your Business”. Schefren says, “If you’re reading this, you know all about procrastination. I can see you sitting at your computer, trolling the blogs for the reason why it seems to take you five times longer to complete a project than you know it should. Trust me, I can relate. I’ve been a procrastinator my whole life. Yet, even as a procrastinator, I’ve still managed to launch three separate million-dollar businesses”. How to Figure Out What You Really Need for Your Business Rich Schefren’s... [...]

‘Warning: A Lack Of Focus Can Kill Your Business’ by Rich Schefren

Rich Schefren’s latest ‘Strategic Profits’ blog post is titled “Warning: A Lack Of Focus Can Kill Your Business”. Rich says, “To accomplish any objectives you set, you have to focus. Plain and simple. Specifically, you have to be able to focus on the things that are essential to your business. That’s what separates the opportunity seekers online from what I call “strategic entrepreneurs.” The opportunity seeker is in a virtually constant state of un-focus”. s… Warning: A Lack Of Focus Can Kill Your Business Strategic Profits Blog  [...]

‘Distractions and Procrastination: And How to Out Think Both’ by Rich Schefren

Rich Schefren’s latest blog post is titled “Distractions and Procrastination: And How to Out Think Both”. Schefren says, “If you’re reading this, you know all about procrastination. I can see you sitting at your computer, trolling the blogs for the reason why it seems to take you five times longer to complete a project than you know it should. Trust me, I can relate. I’ve been a procrastinator my whole life. Yet, even as a procrastinator, I’ve still managed to launch three separate million-dollar businesses”. Distractions and Procrastination: And How to Out Think Both Rich Schefren’s... [...]

‘Why I’m At StartUp 2012 & Why You Should Care’ by Rich Schefren

Rich Schefren’s latest blog post is titled “Why I’m At StartUp 2012 & Why You Should Care”. Rich says, “Today Jay Abraham and I are in NYC at StartUp 2012… I’m running a contest today on my facebook fan page – all you need to do is guess why we are here… whoever is closest gets free 1/2 hour call with me to focus on their business”. Why I’m At StartUp 2012 & Why You Should Care Rich Schefren’s Blog  [...]

‘How I Got Started In Business’ by Rich Schefren

Rich Schefren’s latest blog post is titled “How I Got Started In Business Interview With Dan Kennedy”. Rich says, “During a recent trip to participate in a high- level “mastermind” meeting hosted by Dan Kennedy… Dan and I sat down and did a short, casual video interview together… …where we talked about how I got started in business…”. Communication Clarity 101 Rich Schefren’s Blog  [...]

‘Communication Clarity 101’ by Rich Schefren

Rich Schefren’s latest blog post is titled “Communication Clarity 101”. Schefren says, “We spent the last few posts talking about a very important concept to your business – getting clarity. I mention that because it provides a nice segue into what I want to talk about for the next couple of posts. It’s an area you definitely need clarity on in your business. One where you need to be as clear as you possibly can about what your objective is; what you’re trying to do; what success will look like, etc”. Communication Clarity 101 Rich Schefren’s Blog  [...]

‘Getting Clarity On The Things You Do’ by Rich Schefren

Rich Schefren’s latest blog post is titled “Getting Clarity On The Things You Do”. Schefren says, “Today we’re going to talk about getting clarity in your projects. And really, it doesn’t even have to be a major project. I can be a minor project – anything you’re doing that requires several you should be looking to get clarity on. I believe there are two questions for getting clarity on a project that we can ask”. Getting Clarity On The Things You Do Rich Schefren’s Blog  [...]

‘Shatter The Five Barriers To Making The Sale’ by Rich Schefren

Rich Schefren’s latest blog post is titled “Shatter The Five Barriers To Making The Sale”. Schefren says, “So let’s touch back on that original question from last post – how can I make money fast? Like I said in the last post, when you don’t have a lot of resources to work with, that’s the wrong question. The better question is, “How can I quickly create value for some group of people that would be interested in paying for it?” So last time we crawled into your prospects’ heads and answered a series of questions about the things they dislike or that frustrate... [...]

‘The Power of Being Just In Time’ by Rich Schefren

Rich Schefren’s latest blog post is titled “The Power of Being Just In Time”. Schefren says, “I have another simple but powerful concept I want to share with you today. It’s something that I’ve taught for a long time. You may have heard me talk about it before. But since it’s such an important time-saving, speed-enhancing concept, and because it ties back into Tuesday’s letter about needing resources versus being resourceful as you’ll see in just a minute, I thought it would be great to share this concept one more time”. The Power of Being Just In Time Rich... [...]

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