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Monday, March 10, 2025

‘WordPress 3.3 Fights with Akismet’ by Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “WordPress 3.3 Fights with Akismet”. Gardner says, “Here’s a heads up about what happens to your Akismet plugin once you install WordPress 3.3 First, ALL comments posted to my blogs were going into spam after I installed WordPress 3.3. Ergo, I wasn’t getting email messages about comments being held in moderation. Thought no one was enjoying my latests posts until I found nearly 100 ‘good’ comments in the Spam box”. WordPress 3.3 Fights with Akismet Net Profits Today Blog  [...]

‘5 Ways to Make More Money Blogging in 2012’ by Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “5 Ways to Make More Money Blogging in 2012”. Gardner says, “I am willing to wager that one of your goals for 2012 is to make more money online than you did in 2011. If so, great! I want to help you figure out whether you need to do more of what you did last year and/or add new business-building activities to your repertoire. Read the recommendations below for ideas that will increase your bottom line”. 5 Ways to Make More Money Blogging in 2012 Net Profits Today Blog  [...]

’10 Resolutions for Better Online Business in 2012′ by Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “10 Resolutions for Better Online Business in 2012”. Gardner says, “The end of the year is a fabulous time to set goals that will help you make more money online in the new year (and beyond). Here are a few New Year’s business resolutions you might want to consider adopting”. 10 Resolutions for Better Online Business in 2012 Net Profits Today Blog  [...]

‘Affiliate Marketing: Month by Month’ by Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “Affiliate Marketing: Month by Month”. Gardner says, “Planning your affiliate promotions in advance throughout the year is a great way to ensure that you take advantage of all the important events to maximize your profit potential. Listed below are”. Affiliate Marketing: Month by Month Net Profits Today Blog  [...]

‘Black Friday Facebook Fun(ds)’ by Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “Black Friday Facebook Fun(ds)”. Gardner says, “Here’s an idea for making this Friday more fun and fruitful. In addition to doing your own Christmas shopping online, give your Facebook friends and family good reasons to do likewise. The”. Black Friday Facebook Fun(ds) Net Profits Today Blog  [...]

‘Affiliate Marketing in November: Remember and Give Thanks’ by Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “Affiliate Marketing in November: Remember and Give Thanks”. Gardner says, “Thankfully, it’s not hard to remember the big holidays in November – Remembrance Day (Veterans Day) and Thanksgiving in the U.S. In 2011, those special holidays occur on the following dates in”. Affiliate Marketing in November: Remember and Give Thanks Net Profits Today Blog  [...]

‘Where is Your Portfolio Site?’ by Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “Where is Your Portfolio Site?”. Gardner says, “Anyone who does business online without having a basic portfolio site is losing prospects left, right and center. Personally, I am always on the lookout for qualified individuals to help me manage”. Where is Your Portfolio Site? Net Profits Today Blog  [...]

‘BlogWorld Virtual: Comfortable Shoes NOT Required’ by Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “BlogWorld Virtual: Comfortable Shoes NOT Required”. Gardner says, “Have you ever wanted to attend an affiliate or blogging industry conference but couldn’t go because you couldn’t get the leave from work? Or, you would have loved to have gone but already had”. BlogWorld Virtual: Comfortable Shoes NOT Required Net Profits Today Blog  [...]

’10 Words that Make Bloggers Seem Dumb’ by Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “10 Words that Make Bloggers Seem Dumb”. Gardner says, “I recently heard a CNN broadcaster use the word ‘orientate’, and she was NOT discussing a map, or its orientation. Grrr…. How VERY wrong. Incorrect word and grammar usage frequently frazzles my brain (and others with average English language skills) to the extent that we lose the overall message while we ponder how the speaker or writer managed to graduate from grade school, let alone university”. 10 Words that Make Bloggers Seem Dumb Net Profits Today Blog  [...]

‘Where Are The Jobs?’ by Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “Where are the Jobs?”. Gardner says, “As it is highly unlikely that U.S. Congress members will see past their differences during the current term to pass the Jobs Bill and put people to work, I did some research to find out what types of”. Where are the Jobs? Net Profits Today Blog  [...]

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