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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

‘Affiliate Marketing in August: Potatoes and Sea Serpents’ by Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “Affiliate Marketing in August: Potatoes and Sea Serpents”. Gardner says, “Researching August holidays and celebrations proved once again that assumptions can be oh so wrong! I was amazed by the number of named days and monthly celebrations that came up. My favorites by far are Play in the Sand Day, Bad Poetry Day (which I definitely will not celebrate), Kiss and Make Up Day and Rice Pudding Day – which I will celebrate with Vietnamese rice pudding made from rice vermicelli”. Affiliate Marketing in August: Potatoes and... [...]

‘Money Management 101’ by Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “Money Management 101”. Gardner says, “No matter who you are, at some point in your life, you will have to manage your own money. Unfortunately, few of us receive any formal instruction for this essential skill. We must learn it the hard way – through trial and error. Even in the best of times, the trial and error method is fraught with peril. Every mistake can be reduced to a dollar amount. In the past, maybe those amounts, while certainly unpleasant, weren’t crushing. Times have changed. The stakes are greater, and so are... [...]

‘Affiliate Marketing In June: Dads And Grads’ by Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “Affiliate Marketing in June: Dads and Grads”. Gardner says, “Although the lazy days of the summer ‘sales slump’ are just about upon us come June, don’t give up your marketing efforts too soon. June is the time to pick up revenue from Father’s Day and graduation season sales. From years past, here is a list of topic ideas and titles to consider”. Affiliate Marketing in June: Dads and Grads Net Profits Today Blog  [...]

‘You are Losing Money on those Links’ by Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “You are Losing Money on those Links”. Gardner says, “I LOVE the StudioPress Genesis framework and their plethora of beautiful child themes. What I HATE is seeing folks lose potential commissions because they don’t bother to change out the footer links which go straight to StudioPress! You can make money on those links! In the following video I show you how to change your StudioPress theme footer links to affiliate links via their affiliate program on ShareaSale”. You are Losing Money on those Links Net Profits Today... [...]

‘Amazon Axes 10,000 California Affiliates’ by Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “Amazon Axes 10,000 California Affiliates”. [Rosalind Gardner’s Blog] […]  [...]

‘Friday Funny: Google Adwords Video’ by Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “Friday Funny: Google Adwords Video”. [Rosalind Gardner’s Blog] […]  [...]

‘Affiliate Marketing in June: Dads and Grads’ by Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “Affiliate Marketing in June: Dads and Grads”. [Rosalind Gardner’s Blog] […]  [...]

‘How to Privately Test Drive a New WordPress Theme’ by Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “How to Privately Test Drive a New WordPress Theme”. [Rosalind Gardner’s Blog] […]  [...]

‘Is Your Blog Optimized for Bing?’ by Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “Is Your Blog Optimized for Bing?”. [Rosalind Gardner’s Blog] […]  [...]

‘5 Common Money Mistakes and How to Avoid Them’ by Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “5 Common Money Mistakes and How to Avoid Them”. [Rosalind Gardner’s Blog] […]  [...]

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