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Thursday, March 6, 2025

‘Comparing Backlink Data Providers’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “Comparing Backlink Data Providers”. Rob Kerry says, “Since Ayima launched in 2007, we’ve been crawling the web and building our own independent backlink data. Starting off with just a few servers running in our Directory of Technology’s bedroom cupboard, we now have over 130 high-spec servers hosted across 2 in-house server rooms and 1 datacenter, using a similar storage platform as Yahoo’s former index. Crawling the entire web still isn’t easy (or cheap) though, which is why very few data providers exist even today. Each... [...]

‘Change Your Offer Without Changing Your Product’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “Change Your Offer Without Changing Your Product”. Peterd says, “Have you been selling a product or service for some time, but think you might need to do something new to keep up with the market? Offer something fresh? One of the problems with making significant changes to your products or services is that it tends to carry a high level of risk. There is a risk you could alienate your existing prospects. There is always risk in starting over and trying something new and untested, as the untried and untested is more likely to fail”. Change Your... [...]

‘Three Ways To Break Down A Market’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “Three Ways To Break Down A Market”. Peterd says, “Ford said “give the customer any color they want, so long as it is black”. This strategy worked for a while, because people just wanted a car. However, the market changed when GM decided they would offer a range of cars to suit different “purposes, purses and personalities”. Between 1920 and 1923, Ford’s market share plummeted from 55 to 12 percent. These days, auto manufacturers segment the market, rather than treat it as one homogeneous mass. There are cars for the rich, cars for the... [...]

‘Pitching Search Marketing In Traditional Marketing Terms’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “Pitching Search Marketing In Traditional Marketing Terms”. Eric Covino says, “For those selling search marketing to customers, especially those customers new to the concept of search marketing, it’s often useful to pitch search marketing services in terms the customer already understands. A lot search marketing theory and practice is borrowed and adapted from direct marketing. Direct marketing concepts have been around since the 60s, and may be more readily understood by some customers than some of the arcane terminology sometimes associated... [...]

‘Laying the Groundwork for a Local SEO Campaign’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “Laying the Groundwork for a Local SEO Campaign”. Eric Covino says, “Local SEO has the undeserved reputation of being “easy” and “not a lot of work”. The competitiveness of keywords might be less competitive than broader keywords but there still is a fair amount of work that goes into getting the campaign off and running properly. On the whole, keywords targeted in local SEO campaigns are less competitive than their broader counterparts but there are also mitigating factors to consider when determining the overall difficulty... [...]

‘The Search Power Of Brand’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “The Search Power Of Brand”. Aaron Wall says, “In that past, we’ve talked a lot about Google’s brand bias, but no matter how a brand is defined in technical terms, the reality is that Google cannot leave popular brand sites out of the search results. If a person searches for, say, AVIS, and doesn’t see AVIS in the top spot, then as far as the searcher is concerned, Google is broken. If a person searches for various car rental terms and does not see AVIS somewhere, then it’s also likely they’ll expect Google is broken”. The... [...]

‘Do You Trust Me?’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “Do You Trust Me?”. Aaron Wall says, “Well, you might – if you knew what a trustworthy guy I am 🙂 But I know that’s nowhere good enough. I know I would need to earn it. “Do I trust you?” is a question your web visitors are probably asking themselves right now. Do they trust your title tag description and snippet enough to click the link? If they click the link, and land on your site, do the trust you enough to stay? Do they trust you enough to click deeper into your site? Do they trust you enough to hand over their e-mail... [...]

‘How to Free Your E-Commerce Site from Google’s Panda’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “How to Free Your E-Commerce Site from Google’s Panda”. Aaron Wall says, “On Feb. 25, 2011, Google released Panda to wreak havoc on the web. While it may have been designed to take out content farms, it also took out scores of quality e-commerce sites. What do content farms and e-commerce sites have in common? Lots of pages. Many with zero or very few links. And on e-commerce sites with hundreds or thousands of products, the product pages may have a low quantity of content, making them appear as duplicate, low quality, or shallow to the... [...]

‘Getting Site Architecture Right’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “Getting Site Architecture Right”. Aaron Wall says, “There are many ways to organize pages on a site. Unfortunately, some common techniques of organizing information can also harm your SEO strategy. Sites organized by a hierarchy determined without reference to SEO might not be ideal because the site architecture is unlikely to emphasize links to information a searcher finds most relevant. An example would be burying high-value keyword pages deep within a sites structure, as opposed to hear the top, simply because those pages don’t fit easily... [...]

‘Rank Modifying Spammers’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “Rank Modifying Spammers”. Aaron Wall says, “My good friend Bill at SEOByTheSea has unearthed a Google patent that will likely raise eyebrows, whilst others will have their suspicions confirmed. The patent is called Ranking Documents. When webmasters alter a page, or links to a page, the system may not respond immediately to those changes. Rather, the system may change rankings in unexpected ways”. Rank Modifying Spammers ‘SEO Book’ Blog  [...]

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