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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

‘The Rise Of Paywalls’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “The Rise Of Paywalls”. Peterd says, ““Information wants to be free” was a phrase coined by Stewart Brand, a counter-culture figure and publisher of the Whole Earth Catalog. This was the context of the quote: On the one hand information wants to be expensive, because it’s so valuable. The right information in the right place just changes your life. On the other hand, information wants to be free, because the cost of getting it out is getting lower and lower all the time. So you have these two fighting against each other Brand talks about... [...]

‘How To Prevent Content Value Gouging’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “How To Prevent Content Value Gouging”. Peterd says, “What are the incentives to publish high-value content to the web? Search engines, like Google, say they want to index quality content, but provide little incentive to create and publish it. The reality is that the publishing environment is risky, relatively poorly paid in most instances, and is constantly being undermined. The Pact There is little point publishing web content if the cost of publishing outweighs any profit that can be derived from it”. How To Prevent Content Value Gouging ... [...]

‘Don’t Buy Link Rich Advertorials (Unless You’re Google)’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “Don’t Buy Link Rich Advertorials (Unless You’re Google)”. Aaron Wall says, “I understand Google’s desire to have a clean editorial signal & not wanting people to manipulate the web graph. But Google once again isn’t following the best practices they dish out for others. Both of the following are not one-off articles, but are part of a “series” of advertorials for various Google products with direct followed links to AdWords, Google Analytics, Chromebook, & Hangouts”. Don’t Buy Link Rich Advertorials... [...]

‘We’re Going Google’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “We’re Going Google”. Aaron Wall says, “In the search ecosystem Google controls the relevancy algorithms (& the biases baked into those) as well as the display of advertisements and the presentation of content. They also control (or restrict) the flow of marketable data. For example, a publisher might not get keyword referral data on organic search, but Google passes that data on via advertisements & passes a large amount of data on through their ad network to other ad networks”. We’re Going Google ‘SEO Book’Blog  [...]

‘Comparing Desktop vs Mobile Usage’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “Comparing Desktop vs Mobile Usage”. Debra Mastaler says, “With so much interest and buzz around mobile and its impact on search, this recent study by the Harris Poll was telling and helpful from an SEO and link building standpoint. Harris asked smartphone users about their habits and which appliance they used when performing certain online tasks like reading email and researching goods. They polled 2400 adults, 991 of whom use a smartphone. Here are a handful of interesting results from the survey with potential to influence SEO”. Comparing... [...]

‘No Effort Longtail SEO Revenues, from FindTheBest’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “No Effort Longtail SEO Revenues, from FindTheBest”. Aaron Wall says, “In our infographic about the sausage factory that is online journalism, we had a throw away line about how companies were partnering with FindTheBest to auto-generate subdomains full of recycled content. Apparently, a person named Brandon who claims to work for FindTheBest didn’t think our information was accurate”. No Effort Longtail SEO Revenues, from FindTheBest ‘SEO Book’ Blog  [...]

‘How To Analyze An Industry’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “How To Analyze An Industry”. Peterd says, “Are you planning on starting a new website but want to gauge how profitable the industry sector is before you do? Are you optimizing a site for a client but want to gain a better understanding of the industry in which they operate? Conducting an industry analysis will help identify advantages and any weaknesses a business may have in that industry, and clarify the forces that shape that industry. The better we understand the industry, the more likely we are to grasp the opportunities others may miss. If... [...]

‘Knowledge, Profit & Love: Sean Dolan of Pushfire on SEO’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “Knowledge, Profit & Love: Sean Dolan of Pushfire on SEO”. Aaron Wall says, “Recently I had a chance to interview Sean Dolan, Chief Operating Officer at Pushfire, about how things are going at Pushfire as well as his history with us here at SEO Book. We also included how we played matchmaker for him and Rae (sorta…in a really roundabout way) 🙂 In all seriousness though, this is a fantastic read. As Google continues to hammer away at SEO profit margins for smaller webmasters, mom and pop shops, smaller local businesses and so on (through... [...]

‘How To Devise Your SEO Strategy The Easy Way – With a Planning Template’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “How To Devise Your SEO Strategy The Easy Way – With a Planning Template”. Trond Lyngbø says, “If there’s one thing both business owners and SEO consultants can benefit enormously from, it’s a strategy planning template.  Everyone knows that a strategy-based approach to marketing will trounce a competing approach that is purely tactical.  The difficulty lies in coming up with a winning strategy, especially when your organization hasn’t formally devised one before. Enter the SEO Strategy Template It’s a simple... [...]

‘How To Start You Own Search Marketing Business’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “How To Start You Own Search Marketing Business”. Peterd says, “Had enough of the day job? A common new years resolution is “quit the rat race and be your own boss”. In this article we’ll take a look at what is involved in starting up your own search marketing business, the opportunities you could grab, and the pitfalls you should avoid. But first , why are people leaving SEO? Is SEO Dead? There’s no question Google makes life difficult for SEOs. Between rolling Pandas, Top Heavies, Penquins, Pirates, EMDs and whatever updates and filters... [...]

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