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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

‘Why Does Business Talk That Way?’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “Why Does Business Talk That Way?”. Peterd says, “It goes like this. Our Mission is to provide the best SEO services in the world. We nurture win-win scenarios to create enduring value for our customers. We were voted top SEO agency in Texas and voted the best place to work. We value our staff – we want people to be the best we can be, so as we can maintain our preeminent position in the search industry Place gun to my head. Pull trigger”. Why Does Business Talk That Way? ‘SEO Book’ Blog  [...]

‘Say No To Opportunities & Clients’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “Say No To Opportunities & Clients”. Peterd says, “What are you best at? If you happen to be Google, you’re pretty good at search. And infrastructure. It remains to be seen if you’re any good at social media. It’s fair to say you weren’t much good at Answers,Catalog search, Page Creators, Audio Ads, Wave-ing and Buzz-ing. The Google example demonstrates that no one can be good at everything, even if they do hire a lot of smart people and have billions in the bank. People, like companies, are good at doing some things, and are... [...]

‘Business Lessons From Pumpkin Hackers’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “Business Lessons From Pumpkin Hackers”. Peterd says, “Working nine to five can suck. You might be working for a boss who is an idiot. You know he makes stupid decisions. When he’s off making yet another stupid decision, it’s you left doing all the work. As for job security – that’s a joke these days. He can fire you on a whim. So why not cut out the weak link? Why not go into business for yourself? The reality, of course, is that starting a business isn’t as easy as saying it. You’ll likely work longer hours,... [...]

‘Google Disavow Tool’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “Google Disavow Tool”. Aaron Wall says, “Google launched a disavow links tool. Webmasters who want to tell Google which links they don’t want counted can now do so by uploading a list of links in Google Webmaster Tools If you haven’t received an “unnatural link” alert from Google, you don’t really need to use this tool. And even if you have received notification, Google are quick to point out that you may wish to pursue other avenues, such as approaching the site owner, first”. Google Disavow Tool ‘SEO Book’ Blog  [...]

‘Next Generation SEO’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “Next Generation SEO”. Peterd says, “There is a good thread on Webmaster World entitled “Next Generation SEO”. Many webmasters hit hard by the uncertainty created by Panda and Penquin are wondering what approaches might work best in the future. Here at SEOBook, we’ve long advocated the approach of grounding SEO within a solid marketing-based strategy, so we post frequently on this theme. But this is not to say the technical side – algorithm gaming – no longer works, because it most certainly does”. Next Generation SEO ‘SEO... [...]

‘Persuasion Optimization’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “Persuasion Optimization”. Peterd says, “There are many ways to optimize. We optimize to align a site with search engine algorithms in order to gain higher rankings, which, in turn, leads to visitor traffic. Other forms of optimization occur after the visitor has landed on our pages. One such optimization is called persuasion optimization. After going to the effort of getting a visitor to land on our pages, the last thing we want them to do is to click back. We want them to read and act upon our messages”. Persuasion Optimization ‘SEO Book’... [...]

‘The Death of SEO [Infographic]’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “The Death of SEO [Infographic]”. Aaron Wall says, “Over the weekend Google did an update which continues their trend of diminishing the value of domain names in an SEO strategy as they “pump up the brand.” In light of that, we thought it would be a good time to get out in front of the tired “Death of SEO” meme that is sure to appear once again in the coming weeks. ;)”. The Death of SEO [Infographic] ‘SEO Book’ Blog  [...]

‘Insulating Ourselves From Google’s Whims’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “Insulating Ourselves From Google’s Whims”. Peterd says, “Ranking well for our chosen keywords involves putting in a lot of effort up front, with no guarantee of ranking, or reward. Even if we do attain rankings, and even if do get rewarded, there is no guarantee this situation will last. And this state of flux, for many seos, is only likely to get worse as Google advises that updates will be “jarring and julting for a while” Even more reason to make every visitor count”. Insulating Ourselves From Google’s Whims ‘SEO Book’... [...]

‘3 Reasons Google Won’t Offer Car Insurance Comparisons in the US Anytime Soon’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “3 Reasons Google Won’t Offer Car Insurance Comparisons in the US Anytime Soon”. Rory Joyce says, “The following is a guest column written by Rory Joyce from CoverHound. Last week Google Advisor made its long-awaited debut in the car insurance vertical — in the UK. Given Google’s 2011 acquisition of, a UK comparison site, for 37.7 million pounds ($61.5 million US), it comes as little surprise that the company chose to enter the UK ahead of other markets. While some might suspect Google’s foray into the UK market... [...]

‘Nailing Down Opportunities’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “Nailing Down Opportunities”. Peterd says, “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty If you’re one of the many webmasters feeling hammered by Penguin and Panda, you’d be forgiven for thinking the best opportunities in search are long gone. Perhaps it’s all gotten just a bit too complicated. In reality, internet marketing is still just a toddler taking baby steps. Opportunity abounds. It’s a case of looking for it, finding it and capitalizing on it”. Nailing Down Opportunities ‘SEO... [...]

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