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Friday, March 28, 2025

Aligning SEO Strategy with Client Business Goals [Video]

An effective SEO strategy enhances online visibility, driving organic traffic and increasing brand exposure. It is a vital component for businesses aiming to reach their target audience and stay competitive in the digital landscape. MOZ has published the latest episode of the Whiteboard Friday video ‘Aligning SEO Strategy with Client Business Goals’ featuring Anthony Barone. The MOZ team says, “In SEO agencies, we get too caught up in the SEO and forget that there’s a client. Understand what they want in order to align your SEO strategy with their goals. Learn more in this... [...]

3 SEO Tips on Aligning with Developers [Podcast]

Similarweb has published a new episode of the Marketing Intelligence podcast ‘3 SEO Tips on Aligning with Developers’ featuring Adam Gent. The Similarweb team says, “When it comes to collaborating with other departments, it’s great when it goes as smoothly as possible… but sometimes, it doesn’t. In today’s episode of In Search Podcast, Adam Gent discusses how smooth collaborations are the secret to success – particularly the collab between SEO and in-house developers. Adam has experience in this, as a (product manager turned…) Senior Technical SEO Strategist. In... [...]

How to Bolster Your EEAT Score and Optimize For SGE [Podcast]

Similarweb has published a new episode of the Marketing Intelligence podcast ‘How to Bolster Your EEAT Score and Optimize For SGE’ featuring Kapwom Dingis. The Similarweb team says, “Everyone’s talking about search generative experience or SGE, but what can you do to prepare for its launch on Google? That’s what we’re discussing on today’s episode of In Search Podcast with Kapwom Dingis. Kapwom has worked in SEO for the past 10 years, and is currently the SEO manager at Symmetrical. In this episode, we discuss the links between your EEAT score and Google’s... [...]

5 AI Tools That Are About To Power Up Your SEO Strategy [Podcast]

Similarweb has published a new episode of the Marketing Intelligence podcast ‘5 AI Tools That Are About To Power Up Your SEO Strategy’ featuring Charlie Witworth. The Similarweb team says, “Is AI going to replace our jobs? No, not anytime soon anyway. But can we use AI tools to work more efficiently? Yes, we can. That’s what we’re discussing in today’s episode of In Search Podcast with Ivana Flynn. Ivana has a professional passion in using SEO to break into new and tricky markets – she’s an author, a public speaker, and an SEO Director, and she certainly knows... [...]

These Toxic Habits are Silently Destroying Digital Marketers [Video]

Ahrefs has published a new video ‘These Toxic Habits are Silently Destroying Digital Marketers. In this video, you’ll learn about bad habits digital marketers build that can have a significant impact on their work and careers. Ahrefs  [...]

The Google Loophole That Created Overnight Millionaires [Video]

Ahrefs has published a new video ‘The Google Loophole That Created Overnight Millionaires’. In this video, you’ll learn about a Google loophole that digital marketers used to make millions of dollars. Ahrefs  [...]

What Happens to SEO in a Recession (and How to Prepare)? [Video]

Ahrefs has published a new video ‘What Happens to SEO in a Recession (and How to Prepare)?’. The Ahrefs team says, “In this video, we’ll explore the impact of recessions on the SEO landscape and how to overcome the challenges it provides.” Ahrefs  [...]

I Tried to Rank #1 on Google in 24 Hours to Prove a Point [Video]

Ahrefs has published a new video ‘I Tried to Rank #1 on Google in 24 Hours to Prove a Point’. The Ahrefs team says, “I tried to rank #1 on Google in 24 hours with a simple, yet powerful SEO strategy. Watch to get an over the shoulder view of everything that happened. If you’ve ever wanted to know what’s involved in ranking a page high in Google, then watch this video to get a behind the scenes look at what’s involved. You’ll learn the exact SEO tactics, strategies, and techniques that were used and the results.” Ahrefs  [...]

The SEO Strategy to Break into Competitive Niches [Video]

Ahrefs has published a new video ‘The SEO Strategy to BREAK into Competitive Niches’. In this video, you’ll learn a SEO strategy to break into competitive niches (even if you have a new site). [uix_video width=’560′ height=’315′ responsive=’true’ url=’’] Ahrefs  [...]

How Will ChatGPT Affect The Future of SEO? Part 3 [Podcast]

Rank Ranger has published a new episode of the In Search SEO podcast ‘How Will ChatGPT Affect The Future of SEO?’ featuring Julia McCoy and Ellen Conning. The Rank Ranger team says, “In this episode, we’re looking at Chat GTP prompts and how Chat GPT will affect the future of SEO. I’m joined by Julia McCoy from Content at Scale, Ellen Conning from Salience, and Alizée Baudez, SEO consultant. In this episode, our panel explains: How to write better prompts What AI means to the future of SEO.” Rank Ranger  [...]

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