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Saturday, March 1, 2025

Don’t monkey around with your business leads #ad

If you don’t have a customer list, including their email addresses, you don’t have a durable online business. But if you have a customer list, then no matter what Google does, no matter how high pay per click ads rise in cost, you have people you can sell to. And you can keep selling. You build a list by getting people to voluntarily agree to join your list. You do that with a “Squeeze Page” or “Landing Page” (two names for the same thing). Of course, if you aren’t a programmer, creating a landing page could be a big problem. You need a headline, some appealing... [...]

Add a squeeze page to WP sites with Simple WP Squeeze Page Plugin #ad

Heri Rosyadi has just released his latest product, his Simple WP Squeeze Page Plugin. There have been other plugins to build squeeze pages, but the new one from Rosyadi has some distinctive features: 1. It finds the visitor’s email address whenever it can and pre-populates the email field so the person doesn’t have to enter it; all they do is click the submit button. 2. It is point-and-click simple. All it takes is 5 clicks to create captivating squeeze pages in seconds. 3. It lets you quickly upload beautiful background images to use on your squeeze pages. 4. It lets you easily to... [...]

2-Step Squeeze Page Creator for better opt-in rate #ad

You may know of British marketer Alex Albert. He has been responsible for numerous products for marketers through the years. Today, he is releasing a new piece of software he calls The Ultimate 2-Step Squeeze Page Creator in A Box. In preparation for the launch, so you will recognize his expertise, he is giving away an e-book that explains his strategy for using email to grow your subscriber list. You can get it here: Using email to grow your subscriber list. But getting back to this new software, The Ultimate 2-Step Squeeze Page Creator in A Box. : • Lets you to create professional... [...]

Squeezematic: Sale ends Monday Midnight #ad

Brett Rutecky just announced he is running a Two Day Sale on Squeezematic, his squeeze page web-based software. Anybody, regardless of technical skill or marketing expertise can build a slick, professional squeeze page in minutes using this system. Your squeeze page is the first impression people have of you and your business. If it looks amateurish, they will hesitate to do business with you. With Squeezematic, you get 50 professional designs to choose from and 300 additional pieces of professional art that you can add to them to make them unique. You will use the drag-and-drop interface to quickly... [...]

Optin Architect: Sophisticated Optin Pages to capture more leads #ad

Mark Thompson just announced a new optin page (a.k.a. landing page or squeeze page) generator with added features that will assure more optins. A page created by Optin Architect is more than just a pretty face • It detects when someone is about to leave your page without opting in, so you can take action to pull them back into your funnel. • As you would expect, it integrates with all the most-used autoresponders • It has a page design tool that lets you build your page the way you like it. • It lets you customize language, positioning, size, colors, text and more. • It... [...]

WP LeadCapture plugin creates beautiful video landing pages #ad

Ken Sar has just released WP LeadCapture, which can be your answer to creating a suqeeze page that sells your visitor on opting in for your offer. Your page presents a video that attracts people’s attention. The page has no text to distract people from the video you want them to watch. There’s just a button below the video that says “Continue”. Once the visitor watches the video and clicks “Continue”, now they are shown your text that encourage them to opt in, and then the optin form. (There ‘s a live sdample available from the sales page.) This cleaner... [...]

FunnelKit: The new leader among marketing page builders #ad

IM NewsWatch has been reporting on the video training available from Emka Strimatis on building squeeze pages. Today he announces his new WordPress plugin to assist you in creating not only squeeze pages (also called lead capture pages), but also sales pages, webinar registration pages, thank you pages, download pages and more. To earn a living from your site, these pages are needed, and this new software can simplify making professional sales-related pages for you. This is not a typical”marketing page creator” that you’ve seen before. Typically, they are confined to a few variations.... [...]

Video: The 20 most common squeeze page mistakes #ad

Emilis (a.k.a. Emka) Strimatis has just posted a free video on the mistakes people make in their squeeze pages(also called “lead capture pages”.) Some of them will surprise you. When you watch the video, you will be impressed and entertained, and you will learn a lot. Not only that, you will be able to download a list of all the squeeze page mistakes he mentions. And as a bonus, you will get an access to his free online graphics editor. He is making it worth your while by giving away all this good information. Why? He has a launch coming up in a week, and he wants people to get to know... [...]

Demon Landers: Build, launch and test landing pages in minutes #ad

You have heard it said many times: split-test all your marketing. That includes your landing pages (squeeze pages and other kinds of landing pages), but building multiple landing pages and keeping track of them is a pain. It would save a lot of time if you could use a single file to specify multiple landing pages (and do it in just a few minutes) that you could then test to see which performs best? That would be a real time-saver. That’s exactly what Demon Landers does. Andy Craven created it, and it comes with 10 landing page templates (each with 3 variations) that you can customize to... [...]

Guru Squeeze Machine Software #ad

If you missed “Lead Rocket” last week, Mark Sandquist has announced similar squeeze page software that is in some ways even better. He calls it his Guru Squeeze Machine. If creates attractive name and address collection forms and, if you like, places the form on a photographic background that attracts attention wherever it is used. The form is HTML so it can be used on any web page you like. It can even be used inside Facebook. Not only does Guru Squeeze Machine create squeeze pages, it also created Thank You pages, Product Download pages and even legal Terms of Service pages. You can... [...]

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