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Saturday, March 1, 2025

‘7 Tools to Create Killer Headlines′ – ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog

The latest article on the ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “7 Tools to Create Killer Headlines″. Joan Stewart says, “On average, 8 of 10 peoplenever make it past your headlineor title. That’s becauseheadlines are usually an afterthought–slapped onto an article, a press release or a blog post after you’ve  spent an hour or two painstakingly writing it, rewriting, proofreading and correcting errors. By the time you’re done with all that, you’re exhausted. So you write the first headline thing that comes to mind. In my work as a publicity expert, a writing coach a former newspaper... [...]

‘How to Create Your Marketing Funnel the Right Way′ – ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog

The latest article on the ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “How to Create Your Marketing Funnel the Right Way″. Karon Thackston says, “If you’ve been involved with publishing very long, you know (even if you have a physical book printed by one of the prominent, mainstream publishers) you are responsible forpromoting itif you want to see any real sales. Likewise, if you’ve been in marketing very long, you’re familiar with the term “marketing funnel.” It’s a long-standing phrase that explains the progression a lead takes to becoming a customer. The funnel has a beginning... [...]

‘Behind the Microphone – Internet Radio Is A Great Online Marketing Strategy′ – ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog

The latest article on the ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “Behind the Microphone – Internet Radio Is A Great Online Marketing Strategy″. Kathleen Gage says, “Chances are you are looking foreffective online marketing strategies.The beauty of the Internet are the vast choices available for marketing and promoting to gain massive visibility. One of my favorites is Internet Radio, withBlog Talk Radiobeing one of the most popular and well known platforms. Radio is a fabulous medium for a number of reasons. You canreach a global market,easily position your expertise and optimize your personality“. Behind... [...]

‘Six Steps to Take Before You Write An eBook′ – ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog

The latest article on the ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “2014 Six Steps to Take Before You Write An eBook″. Nina Amir says, “Most writers simply begin writing the moment they come up with an ebook idea they feel is worth pursuing. However, it’s best to wait a moment…or a few moments…tofocus and evaluatethat idea. This helps your book have a chance of succeeding in the ever-more competitive ebook market. To give your book a good start, take thefollowing six stepsbefore you write an ebook“. Six Steps to Take Before You Write An eBook ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog  [...]

‘The Pros and Cons of DRM′ – ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog

The latest article on the ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “The Pros and Cons of DRM″. Shelley Hitz says, “What is DRM?  DRM stands forDigital Rights Management and according to KDP it is “intended to inhibit unauthorized access to or copying of digital content files.” This is one of the decisions you must make when your first upload your Kindle book via the Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) dashboard.  It is important to note that once you publish your book, this decision regardingDRM cannot be changed. Now that we have covered the basics of what DRM is, let’s discussthe pros... [...]

‘How to Dominate your Niche with a Book Blog′ – ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog

The latest article on the ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “How to Dominate your Niche with a Book Blog″. Denise Wakeman says, “It goes without saying your book must be found online or it doesn’t exist.  In order to break through the noise and attract the right audience for your book, you need to be incredibly visible on the Web since there’s so much competition for your readers’ time and attention. So, how do you dominate your niche and create that visibility without working 24-7 online?  More than 2.5 billion people have access to the Internet worldwide (as of June 2012). You... [...]

‘Top Ten Digital Publishing Posts from 2013′ – ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog

The latest article on the ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “Top Ten Digital Publishing Posts from 2013″. Ellen Britt says, “This has been quite a year at The Future of Ink…we recently celebratedour one year blog anniversaryand our Alexa ranking dipped below the coveted 100,000 mark. We thought we would celebrate by bringing you ourTop Ten Digital Publishing Articles for 2013,based on the amount of traffic each post received. Enjoy!“. Top Ten Digital Publishing Posts from 2013 ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog  [...]

The Inside Story on Kristen Eckstein’s Astounding Success with Kindle eBooks′ – ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog

The latest article on the ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “The Inside Story on Kristen Eckstein’s Astounding Success with Kindle eBooks″. Denise Wakeman says, “Kindle has been a hot topic for the past couple of years, and for good reason! Business owners are finally beginning to realize how being published on Kindle can boost their credibility and skyrocket their profits. Ellen Britt and I invited publishing expert Kristen Eckstein to share her expertise and experience with Kindle ebook publishing. Kristen will demonstrate how you, as an online entrepreneur canbenefit from digital... [...]

‘How to Use a Mind Map to Start Your Book′ – ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog

The latest article on the ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “How to Use a Mind Map to Start Your Book″. Nina Amir says, “Have you been struggling to start your book? Many people don’t write books because they simplydon’t know how to start.  They possess an idea for a book, but they don’t know what to do with it. They can’t imagine how they get from initial idea to finished manuscript. To accomplish this feat, I suggest using a method I call “The Brain Dump.” Others call it mind mapping“. How to Use a Mind Map to Start Your Book ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog  [...]

‘How to Get Reviews by the Truckload on Amazon′ – ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog

The latest article on the ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “How to Get Reviews by the Truckload on Amazon″. Penny Sansevieri says, “These days, we hear a lot aboutbook discovery.As more and more books hit the market, readers are deluged with choices and authors are struggling to get in front of new readers and even existing fans. RecentlyBowkerannounced that the number ofbooks published each day in the US is up to 3,500. This does not include all eBook data since many eBooks are published without ISBN numbers that Bowker can track. What this has done is createa strong need for a reader’s... [...]

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