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Sunday, September 8, 2024

‘Time for a Change’ by Clayton Makepeace

Clayton Makepeace’s latest ‘Total Package’ article is titled “Time for a Change”. [‘Copywriting’ Article] […]  [...]

‘Time for a Change’ – ‘The Total Package’

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Clayton Makepeace says, “Seems like only yesterday I was writing the very first post on this blog. Actually, it was the end of June in 2005; five years and seven months ago”. [The Total Package Blog] […]  [...]

‘Before You Take the Copywriting World by Storm’ by Clayton Makepeace

Clayton Makepeace’s latest ‘Total Package’ article is titled “Before you take the copywriting world by storm, there’s something you should know …”. [‘Copywriting’ Article] […]  [...]

‘Before you take the copywriting world by storm’ – ‘The Total Package’

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Clayton Makepeace says, “Pursuing a copywriting career is NOT a get-rich-quick scheme. It can, however, be the single best idea you ever had”. [The Total Package Blog] […]  [...]

‘Simple Rules For a Successful Year of Marketing’ – ‘The Total Package’ Week in Review

Clayton Makepeace has released the latest issue of ‘The Total Package’ week in review. The featured article is titled “Simple Rules For a Successful Year of Marketing”. [‘The Total Package’ Week in Review] […]  [...]

‘Twelve More Time-Tested Ways to Prove Every Promise You Make’ – ‘The Total Package’

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Paul Maxey says, “A few weeks ago in this column, I described the six proof elements that “A”-list writers include in every ad or sales letter they write..”. [The Total Package Blog] […]  [...]

‘Simple Rules For a Successful Year of Marketing’ – ‘The Total Package’

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Troy White says, “1/12 of the year is near gone … are you 1/12 of the way to reaching all your goals?”. [The Total Package Blog] […]  [...]

‘A Story of Pleasure and Pain’ – ‘The Total Package’

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Daniel Levis says, “In my days carrying a bag I spent an enormous amount of time drilling, practicing and rehearsing my sales talk”. [The Total Package Blog] […]  [...]

‘How to Overcome Fear and Write Copy that Rocks!’ – ‘The Total Package’

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Carline Anglade-Cole says, “In fact, just about every top level copywriter I’ve ever spoken to has to overcome those little voices that say, “You suck”. [The Total Package Blog] […]  [...]

‘Do You Believe?’ – ‘The Total Package’

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Clayton Makepeace says, “The fact is, no matter how cynical, negative or worldly-wise each of us wants the world to think we are, all of us want to believe. Desperately”. [The Total Package Blog] […]  [...]

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