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Monday, March 10, 2025

‘OMG There’s So Much to Learn in Marketing’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “OMG There’s So Much to Learn in Marketing”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! Well my sister Jeni (whose dad was married to my Mom – until they weren’t) came into town yesterday and came over today (and will again tomorrow) to have me teach her the fundamentals of online marketing. Knowing we only had about 2 days meant I had to blow through all the stuff and I had no idea there was so much to learn from scratch. I guess I forgot all the little things I learned over the years that I forgot I knew”. OMG There’s So Much to Learn in Marketing Tiffany... [...]

‘Sewing Machine PLR’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Sewing Machine PLR”. Dow says, “I went on Amazon and did a bestsellers list and grabbed the top 10 bestselling sewing machines to write about for my Top 10 Sewing Machines PLR pack. More and more people I know are sewing their own clothes (or for their kids) so this is a growing niche. Here are the titles and word counts: 1. SINGER 7258 Stylist Computerized Sewing Machine – 465 words 2. SINGER 9960 Quantum Stylist 600-Stitch Computerized Sewing Machine – 489 words”. Sewing Machine PLR Tiffany Dow’s Blog  [...]

‘Home Shopping Addicts Site Alterations’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Home Shopping Addicts Site Alterations”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! Well I’m disappointed in my efforts with the Home Shopping Addicts site. Not all of them, but some. I have to take stock and revamp. Here’s the skinny on how it’s been going (to give you an update). The site was set up so that I would do the broad and more narrow pages and grow the site outward in categories. IE: Kitchen – Cookware – Frying Pan, and then a specific model and brand of pan. A couple of pages got a quick boost, but still saw no sales – even with traffic”. Home... [...]

‘Raising Entrepreneurs’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Raising Entrepreneurs”. Dow says, “I’m curious how many of you have kids or grandkids who want you to show them the ropes about marketing? Many of you long timers on my list might remember when my 16 year old son Dylan wanted an air soft rifle that cost $300 – so he created 3 Squidoo lenses and sold them for $100 each to get it. Well now my 12 year old son Shawn has been bitten by the marketing bug. He wants an Alienware computer for gaming and the very base model is $700+. So he asked me to help him figure out a way to earn it online”. Raising... [...]

‘How to Add a Thumbnail Image to Your Blog Post’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “How to Add a Thumbnail Image to Your Blog Post”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! I got an email from another person – this is the third one this week – who has bought and read and implemented and has a neat looking site. But there are a few bits and pieces missing. One item he’s having trouble with is inserting thumbnail images into his blog posts, so I’m going to make a video tutorial and show him here – and everyone else who doesn’t know how to do this just yet”. How to Add a Thumbnail Image to Your Blog Post Tiffany Dow’s Blog  [...]

‘Confidence Class for Online Entrepreneurs – Balancing Your Work and Home Life’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Confidence Class for Online Entrepreneurs – Balancing Your Work and Home Life”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! I’m proud to announce the launch of myConfidence Class series, starting with today’s release – volume 1, which is all about Balancing Your Work and Home Life (and the confidence it takes to achieve your goals while doing this). And the newsletter is just $5 per issue! This volume covers the following specific topics”. Confidence Class for Online Entrepreneurs – Balancing Your Work and Home Life Tiffany Dow’s Blog  [...]

‘Confidence Class for Online Entrepreneurs – Balancing Your Work and Home Life’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Confidence Class for Online Entrepreneurs – Balancing Your Work and Home Life”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! I’m proud to announce the launch of myConfidence Class series, starting with today’s release – volume 1, which is all about Balancing Your Work and Home Life (and the confidence it takes to achieve your goals while doing this). This volume covers the following specific topics”. Confidence Class for Online Entrepreneurs – Balancing Your Work and Home Life Tiffany Dow’s Blog  [...]

‘Example of Someone Taught Online Marketing All Wrong’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Example of Someone Taught Online Marketing All Wrong”. Dow says, “Oh my heart aches for this person. I won’t put their name in here, or their websites, but I will share with you my reply to someone who went about things all right but it turned out all wrong. Scenario: A retiree, looking to launch a work-at-home career, invests money in products and tools to learn online marketing. Learns the technical skills like you wouldn’t believe. A real go getter – implements advice, doesn’t just read about it”. Example of Someone Taught... [...]

‘Product Creator Pro Test Drive Results’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Product Creator Pro Test Drive Results”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! I have to give you the backstory real quick about how I came to review Product Creator Pro – because it’s perfect timing and proves how GOOD people and GOOD products get rewarded. I had emailed Nicole Dean (a great lady) about being one of the people I review in an upcoming PLR pack that reviews the top PLR providers. I love that Nicole asked me who was on the list to be included with her – because she didn’t want to be part of it if there was anyone seedy”. Product... [...]

‘Tell Us How to Mind Map – You Might Win a Free Subscription!’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Tell Us How to Mind Map – You Might Win a Free Subscription!”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! I was so thrilled the other day when I made a mind mapping tutorial and many of you had been using this sort of system yourselves – either using a tool online, one you download, or a simple pen and paper option. So I thought what might be great is if we all shared one of two things – and those who share are going to be entered into a drawing to win a free mind mapping subscription, courtesy of Mind Meister!”. Tell Us How to Mind Map – You... [...]

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