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Monday, March 10, 2025

‘Dump a Few Marketers Today – Make THEM Try to “Save the Relationship.”’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Dump a Few Marketers Today – Make THEM Try to “Save the Relationship.””. Dow says, “Hi everyone! This is the thread I posted over at Warrior Forum but it got deleted after 7 good positive comments and several thanks. No clue why. Too good I guess. Anyway, my good palJohn Collins had it opened when it got the boot and he grabbed it for me! Thanks, John and everyone else – enjoy! Have you counted how many marketers’ lists you’re subscribed to right now? Are you one of those people who blocks everyone out, preferring to go read... [...]

‘If You Run WSOs Don’t Do These Two Things’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “If You Run WSOs Don’t Do These Two Things”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! (Hi Jim – can’t wait for you to chime in here LOL). Today I browsed through the Warrior Forum for a bit. Just seeing what’s new. I saw two things that bugged me – one is someone who was a real turd to me making a compliment about me in one of his posts. Two-faced – ick. Another was a WSO situation where I want you to learn two things NOT to do if you run Warrior Special Offers. Here they are”. If You Run WSOs Don’t Do These Two Things Tiffany Dow’s Blog  [...]

‘Now Wait Just a Second – Which Is It?’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Now Wait Just a Second – Which Is It?”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! I had to laugh just now. But not really. I’m actually kind of pissed off about something. Okay let’s just spill it out right here: 1. In today’s post here, I talked about an article written by “someone” who is bashing people who sell PLR and basically saying PLR is dangerous and worthless, right? 2. That article I was referring to in my blog post is right here”. Now Wait Just a Second – Which Is It? Tiffany Dow’s Blog  [...]

‘Mind Mapping Tutorial for Marketing’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “What Do You Put on a Ghostwriter “Mind Mapping Tutorial for Marketing”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! So someone asked for a tutorial on mind mapping. I decided to pair Craig Desorcy’s input with my own ideas and make a video showing you how I make a mind map and use it from start to finish. Personally, I’m using the unlimited version Mind Meister. The personal version is $4.99/month or you can do what I did and pay $44/year.  They DO have a FREE version but you only get 3 mind maps. I quickly realized I needed more”. Mind Mapping Tutorial... [...]

‘PLR Usage Warning’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “What Do You Put on a Ghostwriter “PLR Usage Warning”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! Yesterday someone (a scumbag) emailed me in a real blatant scumbag manner asking me a question. It was one of things where, I hate to bring it up because then it teaches more thieves how to be a thief. But at the same time, it needs to be addressed to help you prevent theft! The email I got was from someone who wanted to know WHY he should buy my PLR when all he had to do was just look at the titles in my PLR article packs, do a search for them and find them... [...]

‘What Do You Put on a Ghostwriter “About Me” Page Without Experience?’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “What Do You Put on a Ghostwriter “About Me” Page Without Experience?”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! This is a common question I get from students ofGhostwriting Cash. People always ask if they should put their college education information in there, etc. First, I want to emphasize the three MOST important qualifications any marketer is seeking when they go to find a freelancer. They are: 1. Price – Can you match their budget? If you’re the best writer in the world but way out of their price range, it won’t do them any good. So... [...]

‘Niche Site Update April 19 2012′ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Niche Site Update April 19 2012”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! Checking in on the niche sites for the home and garden area. I’ve noticed a small increase in home and garden (especially kitchen) items being sold in my account, but not specifically for the items I’ve reviewed on my site. However, keep in mind that many of my pages are broad and generic. So for example, a can opener purchase I see might be from my small appliances page”. Niche Site Update April 19 2012 Tiffany Dow’s Blog  [...]

‘Make Eye Contact in Your Videos’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Make Eye Contact in Your Videos”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! Those of you who have been brave enough to go on camera and make a YouTube video – are you one of those people who fidget around and do everything BUT look your viewer right in the eye? I was watching someone’s tutorial on YouTube today and I noticed they kept acting almost shy – not with their voice, but with their eyes. They looked at everything (even the corners of their computer monitor) but didn’t look straight into the camera once”. Make Eye Contact in Your Videos Tiffany... [...]

‘25 Packs ONLY: One Owner 50-Page Niche Book Pre-Order Packs CHEAP’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “25 Packs ONLY: One Owner 50-Page Niche Book Pre-Order Packs CHEAP”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! I normally don’t send out a second email in one day but in this case I’m going to because when I wake up tomorrow, a WSO is going live and I want my list members to get first dibs before the public. I recently announced to y’all that I was going to be creating 50-page niche eBooks on popular topics like diet and fitness, anti aging, relationships, etc. and selling them to just one owner for $500 (which is $10 per page)”. 25 Packs ONLY:... [...]

‘Stand Mixer PLR Limited to 250 Buyers’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Stand Mixer PLR Limited to 250 Buyers”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! Today we’re releasing the first non-membership, limited to 250 PLR pack for our HomeAndGardenPLR.comstore. You get 25 pages for $25 (most limited PLR costs MORE, but not ours)! I’ve hyperlinked to the products below for you so that you won’t have to go searching for them, and I’ve included the price at the time of content creation so you can get an idea of what the commissions will be”. Stand Mixer PLR Limited to 250 Buyers Tiffany Dow’s Blog  [...]

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