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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

‘Hodge Podge of Internet Marketing Discussions’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Hodge Podge of Internet Marketing Discussions”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! Lots of random little stuff to discuss today so I’m just going to do it in one blog post. Hope y’all are having a good weekend. I surprised my hubby w/a date night last night (instead of the usual Saturday night – I know, I’m very wild lol). I went the whole 9 yards – rose petals, candles, flowers, a card and a movie at home (Captain America finally – it was good). It was romantical and all that jazz! But today and tomorrow I’m in work mode”. Hodge Podge... [...]

‘Goodbye Memberships’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Goodbye Memberships”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! Well, I tried. Everyone said I ought to do a membership – that they wanted a membership – and I did it. It was nice seeing the sign ups and rebills, but it’s not working for me frustration-wise (money-wise it’s fine) – so it’s being removed from my site soon. Business models should be fluid and that’s the only way to operate in my opinion. Let me explain”. Goodbye Memberships Tiffany Dow’s Blog  [...]

‘Niche Monetization Check In’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Niche Monetization Check In”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! Quick update on the Home and Garden site so y’all can follow along with its growth, progress, etc. 1. Webmaster tools says the impressions are up 317%. 2. My top page for traffic is my Presto Kitchen Kettle. 3. the most significant keyword for my site is “kitchen.” (followed by “food” and “cooking.”)”. Niche Monetization Check In Tiffany Dow’s Blog  [...]

‘Tiffany Dow’s Internet Marketing News’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Tiffany Dow’s Internet Marketing News”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! I had no better way to title this baby – too many different things to discuss today. Tomorrow is Easter here, and my younger son, daughter and husband are all sick! It’s supposed to storm for days, too – so it’ll be an indoor egg hunt and I hope we don’t misplace and forget one. I have to tell y’all something too before I get started with my IM stuff. My sweet, sweet neighbor next door – Don – got a piece of my beloved tree at the end of the road and he’s... [...]

‘Kennedale tornado’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Kennedale tornado”. Dow says, “I know you guys are emailing me. Tornado hit too close. Trees ripped out of damage around us but not us. We have tiny damage on property. No electricity. Another wall about to hit. Thanks for prayers xox”. Kennedale tornado Tiffany Dow’s Blog  [...]

‘Home and Garden Niche Monetization Mentoring Part 13′ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Home and Garden Niche Monetization Mentoring Part 13”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! Basically, what I have taught up until this point is all I’ll be doing a I grow my site. I’ll do a rundown in a sec for you. I had put out a call the other day for Squidoo lens creators and I got many replies back, ranging from $5-70 lenses. I was looking for quality of writing, someone who could put the lens together the way I wanted it, and price”. Home and Garden Niche Monetization Mentoring Part 13 Tiffany Dow’s Blog  [...]

‘Racy Ads Are Ticking People Off’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Racy Ads Are Ticking People Off”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! I got a few emails this week from some of you who went to my blog and happened to see some dating ads that were a bit racy. In fact, since I’m talking about it here, chances are Google might put those kinds of ads on THIS page, without knowing any better. One person emailed me and later went back and realized the ads has been changed to Internet marketing topics. A few people just scolded me”. Racy Ads Are Ticking People Off Tiffany Dow’s Blog  [...]

‘Financial Security Doesn’t Come in the Form of a Salaried Position’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Financial Security Doesn’t Come in the Form of a Salaried Position”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! I got the most amazing email yesterday. I won’t name names or go into details – but basically, this person has once followed me and quit because they felt I was preaching ethics a little too much. They’ve since come back and apologized and I appreciate that, but it wasn’t necessary. I know you guys have different experiences than I’ve had. Being behind the scenes with these guys taught me some tough lessons”. Financial Security Doesn’t... [...]

‘Home and Garden Niche Monetization Mentoring Part 12′ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Home and Garden Niche Monetization Mentoring Part 12”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! Enjoying your week so far? Let’s continue on with our free niche monetization series – brought to you by Home and Garden PLR. My goal now, since I started building this site before I started this series, is to get caught up. I have 3 more broad pages finished by my ghostwriter and an entire set of Living Room pages I can get started on, too!”. Home and Garden Niche Monetization Mentoring Part 12 Tiffany Dow’s Blog  [...]

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