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Saturday, March 1, 2025

‘Finding Ideas for Squid Pro Quo Lenses’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Finding Ideas for Squid Pro Quo Lenses”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! This is one of the first tutorials I plan to post about how to find ideas for products you can build lenses around usinng Erica Stone’s Squid Pro Quo course. I show you a few things, but I am not showing you the specifics about her keyword research (one of my favorite things), nor am I showing you the tool she uses to determine viability, or any of the lens building steps”. Finding Ideas for Squid Pro Quo Lenses Tiffany Dow’s Blog  [...]

‘Gearing Up for Christmas Sales’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Gearing Up for Christmas Sales”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! Since September is almost over, I thought we’d better make a post on gearing up for Christmas sales – because this is a time of year when sales of tons of things (including ideas) go through the roof. Obviously, tangible Christmas items are going to be good sellers. Look for trends in your everyday life. For example, at my daughter’s school the other day there was a violent (kidding) flurry of kids grabbing for each others’ Beanie Boos. Only about 6 girls had them – and everyone... [...]

‘Newbie Steps to Getting Traffic for an Offer’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Newbie Steps to Getting Traffic for an Offer”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! I have a few people on my list who are pretty new to IM as far as success and the questions they have tell me they need some firm direction in getting their needs met. I’m going to use a specific example. One man is a musician who wants to get traffic to his site for guitar lessons. So he’s mentioned a few things to me before – backlinks from my site (which is marketing, so I told him it’s not relevant), etc. He’s looking for search engine rankings. His site set up... [...]

‘Kindle 30 Day Promo Challenge Day 10’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Kindle 30 Day Promo Challenge Day 10”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! I’m on day 10 of the Kindle 30 day promo challenge. I have been all over the map with this stuff. I am starting to think writing more quality products is where I should be focused, not as much on random promotion. My time wasted promoting should be spent on getting part 2 out of my series. Anyhoo. I did see something that interested me. I always have my ear to the ground. Awhile back I got guilt tripped into ordering a magazine subscription from my nephew so he could get some glow... [...]

‘Kindle 30 Day Promo Challenge Day 9’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Kindle 30 Day Promo Challenge Day 9”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! Today is actually Tuesday but I won’t email out about this until Wednesday since I already emailed today. I wanted to go over 2 specific things for today’s Kindle promo challenge. First, this is a disgusting thing. One I’m sure is all too common. Crime writer RJ Ellory was caught and admitted to not only faking positive reviews for himself, but also going to his competitor;s books and negatively reviewing those!”. Kindle 30 Day Promo Challenge Day 9 Tiffany Dow’s Blog  [...]

‘Kindle 30 Day Promo Challenge Day 8’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Kindle 30 Day Promo Challenge Day 8”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! Well my Kindle freebie event (2 days) was a flop on day 1, but after I got picked up by EReaderNewsToday I wound up with about 1600 downloads in the US. Yesterday I had about 14 sales and 2-3 borrows (US). Today I woke up and my video book trailer was done! It was a $5 Fiverr gig. Here it is and I’ll link to the guy who did it below”. Kindle 30 Day Promo Challenge Day 8 Tiffany Dow’s Blog  [...]

‘How Do You Get Followers?’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “How Do You Get Followers?”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! I made a vlog today since I’m feeling so good. Still a little lethargic physically, but not at all mentally. Today’s post is one of the blog requests – How do you get followers? Watch this then read for additional tips. The video is 7 mins and about 42 seconds I think. And Honey’s in it! That’s reason enough to watch”. How Do You Get Followers? Tiffany Dow’s Blog  [...]

‘Is Article Marketing Dead?’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Is Article Marketing Dead?”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! This question is one that was asked when I invited everyone to submit blog questions to me. “Is article marketing dead?” Well, let me preface this by saying I hate anyone who says anything’s dead just because they themselves aren’t doing it right or aren’t getting results – so that’s why I never listen to the gurus who say “_____ is dead.” Nine point 99999999 times out of 10 they’re doing it because they have ulterior motives”. Is Article Marketing Dead? Tiffany Dow’s Blog  [...]

‘Kindle 30 Day Promo Challenge Day 6’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Kindle 30 Day Promo Challenge Day 6”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! Today is day 6 of the Kindle Book Promotion challenge. I did something yesterday (like I said I would) after carpool for day 5 that I wanted to share with you. It’s my Prezi presentation for The Feast (my fiction story). You can see it here: it’s had 63 views. Today and tomorrow are my Free Promo Days as part of the KDP Select program so today I did the Tweets, the Facebook posts on various kindle pages, etc”. Kindle 30 Day Promo Challenge... [...]

‘Content Marketing: What Are Your Target Audience’s Interests, Needs, and Wants?’ by Patsi Krakoff

Patsi Krakoff’s latest ‘Writing on the Web’ blog post is titled “Content Marketing: What Are Your Target  Audience’s Interests, Needs, and Wants?”. Krakoff says, “Content marketing is all about quality content that grabs the attention of your ideal prospects and clients. If you want to create content that engages readers, you need to know their online habits and interests. Yet how many of us post on a blog or upload a video to YouTube without taking time to survey what are our target audience‘s interests, wants and needs?”. Content Marketing: What Are Your Target  Audience’s... [...]

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