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Saturday, March 1, 2025

7 Day Digital Landlord launch ends tonight. Special webinar. Price rising. #ad

If you have been on the fence about investing in your tools to rent websites to local businesses for ongoing revenue, your need to decide. Today, it all ends. Todd Gross and Peter Beattie are hanging out together on the special live 7 Day Digital Landlord Closing Party Webinar, tonight July 16th @ 8pm ET (7pm CT/5pm PT), and you are invited.The party is free and you are welcome. This is your last best hope to build your real, professional long-term business setting up professional websites and then renting them for ongoing revenue streams. Over 3,000 copies of this software and its add-ons have... [...]

Rent digital real estate with 7-Day Digital Landlord #ad

No matter who you are, as long as you show the slightest amount of entrepreneurial spirit, someone will say: “You need to get into Real Estate.” They’re not wrong, but there’s a better way. Because, for all the good that comes from investing in traditional Real Estate, there’s also a lot of the bad. Like evictions, expensive overheads, burst pipes in the middle of the night, contractors, a load of legal stuff – the list goes on. So, what if you could get all the benefits of Real Estate investment with none of the drawbacks? Think about getting paid rent, month in, month out,... [...]

7 Day Digital Landlord: Rent sophisticated websites to local businesses #ad

Local businesses need to sell online, period. People have moved a lot of their purchasing online in response to the pandemic. 7 Day Digital Landlord lets you build these online stores with with ease, and then maintain them for a regular monthly fee. Many local businesses are struggling to stay afloat in the post-pandemic world of online shopping. Their brick-and-mortar stores are not seeing as much traffic, and they are losing sales. Selling online is their way out of their downward spiral toward bankruptcy. Whether they sell pizza, real estate, clothing, or services like haircuts or landscaping,... [...]

Human Synthesys Studio replaces expensive voice actors in videos #ad

Human Synthesys Studio is cloud-based SaaS video creation software that voices your videos using what they call “Humatars”. It uses images of real humans, real human voices, and text-to-speech software to create high-quality real spokespeople that say whatever you type. They add inflection and emphasis to what they say so it sounds natural, not computer-generated. This is the creation of a team led by Todd Gross, who have designed sophisticated AI to move the lips of your “human avatars”, (also known as “humatars”) so that they match the words being said. These humatars... [...]

Updated & better than ever, VidSnatcher 2.0 is here #ad

Do you remember VidSnatcher? Bravinn Technologies along with Todd Gross launched it a little over a year ago. It’s the screen capture and green-screen based video editor that’s similar to Camtasia, but hosted in the cloud. It was well accepted among online marketers last year because it is an outstanding screen capture program as well as a video creator and editor that enables marketers with no special skills to produce effective videos that train and explain anything they choose. It proved to be especially helpful in 2020 when people were working and studying remotely, and online training... [...]

Animation Studio rocks your sales videos #ad

Animated videos make an engaging sales tool on any website. People are drawn to them. Paul Ponna and Todd Gross are releasing new anuimation software they have spent over a year perfecting. They call it Animation Studio. It contains a couple of powerful features that make your video creations so much easier: 1. They have included template videos that you can customize to fit your needs or (since you are getting a commercial license) your clients’ needs. You are getting a wide variety of “done-for-you” templates for a ton of industries and niches, and with more being added each... [...]

Don’t want to be on camera? EZ Magic Video is for you #ad

Making marketing videos can be intimidating. You may think you don’t look good enough or don’t speak well enough. You may get stage fright. But you know how valuable a video can be in converting visitors to buyers. Can anything make you feel comfortable making videos? Now there is a solution for your problems: EZ Magic Video. This new software lets professional spokespeople, including Todd Gross and 5 other professionals take your message to social mdia or your own website. The process is easy: 1. Select Your Spokesperson 2. Build Your “Script” from the 2000 video clips (optionally,... [...]

EZ Magic Video: pro spokespeople at your command, 2000 clips #ad

Online Marketers are becoming intrigued by EZ Magic Video. It does something no other video software available to the average marketer has been able to do. It creates spokesperson videos, with live human presenters, not just cartoon characters, that can be customized (within bounds) to present your message, including your Call to Action. By using the world’s first customizable spokesperson videos, you are getting in on the ground floor on software that allows you to customize what a real human spokesperson says in your video, line-by-line, and do your customization all in a matter of minutes. You... [...]

EZ Magic Video: Custom videos with human spokespeople, easy DIY #ad

Todd Gross and Matt Bush have been working on video creation software that allows you to use 5 different human spokespeople, and automatically tell them what to say so that their message fits you needs, regardless of your niche. You can see the power of that ability, I’m sure. Their new software, called EZ Magic Video, is being launched today. It’s the World’s first spokesperson software that allows you to customize what a real human spokesperson says in your video, line-by-line, all in a matter of minutes. For EZ Magic Video, over 2,000 video clips were recorded by 5 professional spokespeople,... [...]

VideoRobot: video creation software for the rest of us #ad

Late last week, new video creation software was launched, called Video Robot. This is brand new all-around video creation technology that will meet your needs for all kinds of marketing videos, and it does it with an unprecedented level of automation. When you create a video with Video Robot, you can choose which style of video is appropriate for your • Live Action • Whiteboard Animation • Explainer video with 3D Avatar • Presentations & Explainer Videos • Kinetic Motion You do all this by starting with the hundreds of templates that are included with the software. You are getting: ►... [...]

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