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Monday, March 31, 2025

TrafficShield: Stop Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks #ad

News reports suggest that 30,000 Web Sites are hacked every single day. If that doesn’t scare you, then you must not be marketing in the real online world. That statistic shows it is only a matter of time before the crooks come after your site. The Internet has never been more dangerous than it is today. Even if hackers don’t successfully take over your web site, they can eat up a lot of your server’s time and that slows down your server for real visitors. Every single day, thousands of business owners wake up to find that their sites have been hacked and their business is at... [...]

TrafficShield stops hackers in their tracks #ad

You never want to have your website hacked. It’s even worse than having your PC hacked. The problem is that some hackers are very clever, and probe any weakness in your defenses in your site that they can find. By the way, WordPress sites are especially vulnerable. When they probe many WordPress sites they find abundant opportunities to penetrate defenses and do their malicious damage. Without taking extra precautions, your WordPress site may have open doors that welcome hackers into your administrative system. Even if they don’t succeed, these attempts to penetrate your site eat up... [...]

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