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Monday, March 3, 2025

Snappy: So easy anyone can use it to build a business online #ad

Venkata Ramana just released his new SaaS product, Snappy. It runs in the cloud so it doesn’t take up space on your hard drive. This is just the latest in a long series of marketing tools Ramana has released. His tools are clever and inexpensive. Ramana reports: We’re getting paid $10 or MORE dozens of times every time we use this little-known, 30-second copy and paste hack. And although $10 isn’t much, it only takes a mere 30 seconds of effort to earn it. So… if we put in 5 minutes of work, we get paid $100’s of dollars. Do you have an extra 30 seconds? Then you’re in luck… Because... [...]

Wave builds “Commission Ready” online stores in seconds #ad

Online shopping (sometimes called “e-commerce”) is an $800 Billion market. You may think it is unlikely, but you can participate in selling online and do quite well. With the proper software, you can even do this mostly on auto-pilot. That’s the promise of Venkata Ramana, the creator of Wave. When you start e-commerce, it pays to become a leader in your niche. You want your store to be the one people think of when they are looking for products they need. What is Wave? The fastest and easiest way to become their go-to person is to build a high-quality online store. This makes... [...]

Magnum Automated Store builder with free buyer traffic #ad

E-commerce is booming. You are missing opportunities if you don’t join in. Magnum makes it easy. Here are the highlights: ✓ Build dynamic stores in a couple cf clicks ✓ Sell either digital products, physical products, or both ✓ Get traffic from 99 sources in seconds ✓ Ready-to-go stores in the hottest niches are included ✓ Step-by-Step tutorials included Magnum is the product of the fertile mind of Venkata Ramana, who has been selling online for years and who is the author of many popular marketing tools. (Recent examples include: Breeze Funnels, Wizzard, Empire, Krowd, vSuite,... [...]

Breeze Funnels: DIY Marketing funnels for small businesses #ad

Serial product developer Venkata Ramana has just released his latest software, Breeze Funnels. It creates a brand new, unique type of sales funnel that he has worked with an underground group of marketers to beta test. It’s now ready for all online marketers to put it to use. He calls this new type of funnel a “magic-funnel”. They are “magic” because they are so much easier (and quicker) to build and use than ordinary funnels. They have a complete marketing system included, including traffic generation and hosting. With Breeze Funnels, you can deploy your new funnel... [...]

WIZZARD: Simple affiliate system using Google traffic #ad

New software for affiliate marketers, called Wizzard, just launched, and is available at a discounted launch price now. It was developed by leading internet marketers, Venkata Ramana and Mark Bishop. They designed this all-in-one affiliate tool so that even beginners can use it with no history in marketing, no knowledge of marketing, and no technical expertise. It’s so easy, they say, that you can create a successful affiliate campaign in just 5 minutes. It finds existing videos that are legally licensed for public use, and then builds a campaign around them. (Not needing to create a video... [...]

Fliik’s comparison videos sell products without ‘selling’ #ad

FLIIK (sometimes, they spell it in all lower-case [fliik]) is a cloud-based ‘self-contained’ income system which automates a proven formula enabling anyone to generate income from other people’s products through comparison of options. Users can expect to generate real results within the first 7 days of use (on average) with the potential of ongoing results when users continue to use the software. One of the things about affiliate marketing that some affiliates dislike is “pushing” for a sale. We don’t like it, ourselves; our ads are intended to be hype-free, laying out... [...]

Raiid: Hands-off affiliate commissions 24/7 from Clickbank #ad

Raiid is an automated affiliate marketing tool that helps you with three important tasks of Clickbank affiliate marketing: 1. Research – Selecting a product that is a likely winner 2. Content Generation – Creating pre-sell content to interest your audience in the product 3. Traffic Generation – Driving visitors to your pre-sell content In case you haven’t come across Clickbank yet, it is a ‘middle man’ between affiliates and vendors of digital products. They handle all of the techie stuff like tracking the visitors through your link (So they make your link completely unique, so... [...]

Krowd – when you want a crowd of website visitors #ad

Krowd software was just released by Venkata Ramana and Mark Bishop. It looks like this is hit. In less than a week, over 3000 copies were sold. It’s late here, so for the sake of time, I will let Mark Bishop explain [I abbreviated a little] what they were trying to accomplish. What if you could unlock instant access to one of the biggest Free Traffic phenomena of 2020 in the next 5 minutes? Right now this platform is exploding, with over 320 Million highly targeted users and potential buyers each month. 320 Million people waiting to click very specific links, and when they click those links,... [...]

Cyclone available for busy marketers; hands-off marketing tool #ad

We all have lives outside the online marketing business. Let’s face it: life happens, and we get busy, living our lives. And sometimes life interferes with business. If that describes you, Mark Bishop, Venkata Ramana and Al Cheeseman; have just released a software application called Cyclone, that may be the busy marketer’s best friend. They call it “the world’s first self perpetuating revenue app”. Their slogan for the product is “It works… So You Don’t Have to!” Their goal is that Cyclone earn income once you set it up and turn it on and that it continue... [...]

eCompare: a better affiliate store builder #ad

eCompare was released over the weekend by Mark Bishop, Venkata Ramana and their team. eCompare is a price comparison tool embedded in an affiliate store site. Your store lets you earn commissions from the top 7 affiliate networks in the world. This software automatically builds an online affiliate store under your direction, a store that connects with 7 of the largest affiliate networks. It’s a simple 3 step monetization process: Step 1 – Setup simple eCompare store Step 2 – Your visitors compare deals Step 3 – You collect commissions for all their purchases. eCompare is... [...]

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