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Saturday, March 1, 2025

Flix: Earn from YouTube videos, DailyMotion videos, your own videos #ad

Jason Fulton and Seun Ogundele are releasing Flix at 9:00 EDT today. This new tool lets you monetize any video of your own, or from YouTube, or from DailyMotion. The Flix platform lets you upload any videos you have or videos it finds for you on YouTube or DailyMotion, placing them on its own proprietary platform. Then you can place ads in the videos just as YouTube does on its site. But these are your own ads, not ads chosen by YouTube, and they contain your affiliate links or sign-up links, not the links of a big chain store. That’s a major difference compared with placing a video on YouTube.... [...]

TubeSiphon: Builds sites to curate themed YouTube videos #ad

TubeSiphon is an SaaS app that creates 100% done-for-you training courses and membership sites using videos found on YouTube. These videos are licensed in a way that you can legally use them and monetize them for leads, sales, etc. Your site includes built-in (at no additional charge): ► List building using built-in optimized landing page templates that are easy to customize ► Monetization with strategically placed monetization elements throughout your site ► Traffic generation through built-in social sharing ► Hosting on the creator’s servers. You can build multiple sites, as many... [...]

Tube List Pro curates YouTube videos to build your business #ad

Last week, IM NewsWatch reported the announcement of Tube List Pro, the best video curation software to date. This new software lets you add videos from YouTube to your website. If your site is about gardening, for example, there are thousands of YouTube videos in the gardening niche. Use these videos to build your site’s authority. Google is pleased when you do this, and so is YouTube. Even the video creators are happy to get broader distribution for their videos. And, of course, if you choose helpful videos, your visitors are happy, too. Tube List Pro automates most of this process for... [...]

Curate top YouTube video content on autopilot #ad

IM NewsWatch is supporting Leah Butler-Smith‘s launch of EasyAutoTube with bonuses for our readers. This is a new WordPress theme specifically designed to curate niche videos from YouTube. Install the theme in minutes. Choose your niche. Insert your niche definition into the theme. Turn it loose to earn money for you around the clock. The reason Butler-Smith created this new theme is that Youtube is still one of the most powerful methods for bringing traffic to your sites. However, finding the right videos to add to your sites can be a time-consuming and tiresome task if you attempt to do... [...]

Automated video blogs make you money 24×7 #ad

Some blogs earn thousands of dollars a month by posting funny videos or educational videos. How do they discover all those videos? Can you find videos like this, too? Yes, you can find videos that enhance your marketing in just about every niche imaginable using Video Jeet. This new software from Cyril Gupta is the video marketer’s friend. Video Jeet is the only 100% automated video-curation tool and auto-blogging tool (use it either way, automatic or semi-automatic) that will find the latest, best-rated videos for any niche, and automatically post them to your WordPress blogs or [...]

Video Curation Pro: Unique YouTube Videos build SEO Rank #ad

Peter Drew is a well-respected software developer who just launched Video Curation Pro to do for YouTube what ordinary curation software does for blogs. It searches for relevant YouTube content content, then it uses what it finds to create, upload, and optimize unique videos for you based on the original. It can create dozens or even hundreds of high-rank videos. All you have to do is spend a few minutes to set it up. The nice thing is that when you start ranking higher on YouTube, you will get a boost in your Google rank as well. Whether you’re an affiliate, product creator, into offline... [...]

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