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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

P1 Video Magnet Software Suite: price rising at Midnight #ad

Peter Garety announced his P1 Video Magnet Software Suite last week and he has had a special discounted price for the launch. But that discount ends tonight. Actually, the discount has been shrinking over the last week, but it is going away completely tonight. The way to understand what he is offering and to still get the current discount, is to check out the intro webinar he did a week ago. He recorded it, and a replay is now available here. Garety created this software for people who create good content, but aren’t noticed by search engines or the public. With this software you can build... [...]

Your Own Unlimited Video Blogs on Blogger or WordPress #ad

Cyril Gupta and his partner, Todd Gross, have another big hit on their hands. In the first day on the market, it sold over 1500 copies. “Why should I care?” you ask? If you have ever wanted to take advantage of the power of video blogs, with Video Jeet it becomes not just possible but practical. And in their introductory sale, you can get it at a sizeable discount, too good to pass up if you need software like this. Video Jeet is Windows desktop software that “curates” video content for any niche or keyword you choose. It is surprisingly easy to use, but it is also clever... [...]

Video Jeet can raise the quality of your video marketing #ad

The long wait is over. Video Jeet launches today at 11 AM EDT. (Go a few minutes early, if you can, to get a special early-bird discount.) Software developer, Gyril Gupta, has created this new Windows software for any online marketer who wants to improve their video results. Video Jeet is a clever software tool that combines Video with Blogging and SEO plus social media is a way that has never been done before. It supports blogs on both Blogger (the free blogging platform sponsored by Google) and WordPress. Gupta included Blogger in his design since you can create as many blogs on Blogger as you... [...]

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