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Friday, January 17, 2025

Viper Cache: Best WordPress cache; Price rising soon #ad

You probably know that if you run a WordPress site, you should be using a cache (which is created by a WP plugin) to speed up your site. That’s because slow loading pages kill conversions, increases your bounce rates, and cost you more in ad spend. This is especially true on pages built in WordPress since every WP page is built on request so the more traffic your site gets the slower your pages load. If 10 visitors want to look at the same page, the page is built 10 times. That’s why you need a cache. The page is built once, while no visitor is waiting, and placed in the cache, and... [...]

Viper Cache: super speed-up for WP sites #ad

Speed is critical for website success. Users won’t put up with slow sites, and search engines downgrade them. Savvy webmasters use a cache to store a “predigested” version of the most important data on their site, so that data can be delivered with minimal processing when a visitor clicks on it. The data is processed in advance, so that less processing needed while the visitor is waiting for results. There are several well-known caches for WordPress sites, The two best-known are Total Cache and Super Cache. Viper Cache was just released and may prove the be the fastest cache ever.... [...]

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